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Ứng dụng của KTY81, KTY82, KTY83, Điện trở tuyến tính PTC dòng KTY84
The KTY series KTY81, KTY82, KTY83, KTY84 Linear Resistor, bao gồm cả KTY81-130, is essential for precise temperature measurement across various industries. Its Linear Thermistor design and PTC Thermistor properties make it a preferred choice for reliable temperature control.
Loại: nhiệt điện trở
Nhãn: Điện trở nhiệt PTC
The KTY series KTY81, KTY82, KTY83, KTY84 Linear Resistor, bao gồm cả KTY81-130, is essential for precise temperature measurement across various industries. Its Linear Thermistor design and PTC Thermistor sensor properties make it a preferred choice for reliable temperature control.
Automotive Industry
In the automotive industry, the KTY84-130 Linear Resistor is commonly used for engine temperature monitoring, climate control systems, and battery management. This Linear Thermistor ensures accurate temperature regulation, enhancing vehicle performance and safety.
Industrial Automation
For industrial automation, the KTY series Linear Resistor is applied in HVAC systems, industrial process control, and equipment temperature monitoring. The Linear Thermistor design of the KTY84-130 PTC Thermistor sensor provides consistent and precise temperature management for critical industrial applications.
Consumer Electronics
In consumer electronics, KTY series Linear Resistor is integrated into devices like refrigerators, điều hòa không khí, and wearable health devices. Its accurate temperature sensing and Linear Thermistor properties helps ensure energy efficiency and performance in these devices.
Household Appliances
The KTY84-130 Linear Resistor plays a crucial role in household appliances such as coffee makers and hair dryers. This PTC Thermistor sensor offers reliable thermal management, ensuring these appliances function safely over time.
Communication and Computing
In communication and computing devices, KTY Linear Thermistor is used for temperature compensation, surge suppression, and current limiting in circuits. The KTY84-130 Linear Resistor ensures that sensitive communication and computing components are protected from overheating or current surges.
Phần kết luận
The KTY series Linear Resistor, including the KTY84-130 PTC Thermistor sensor, offers precise temperature control and Linear Thermistor functionality, making it ideal for a wide range of applications. Its accuracy, durability, and reliability ensure top performance in the automotive, công nghiệp, consumer electronics, and communication sectors.
Difference between KTY81, KTY82, KTY83, KTY84
1. Different Drift of Silicon ptc thermistor sensor
After 10000 hours of permanent operation at the maximum operating temperature with nominal operating current.
Reliable Temperature Sensing with Linear Resistor and PTC Thermistor sensor
Linear Resistor, offers stable and long-lasting temperature sensing. The performance of Linear Resistors is highly reliable due to the stable properties of silicon, the key element in Linear Thermistor. In particular, the KTY84-130 PTC Thermistor sensor stands out for its minimal temperature drift over time.
Unmatched Stability in Long-Term Use
When testing the KTY84-130 under maximum operating temperatures, the Linear Resistor exhibited excellent stability. Qua 10,000 hours of use (equivalent to 1.14 năm), the temperature drift was as low as 0.2 K. Even under extreme conditions, the maximum drift observed was between 0.4 K and 0.8 K.
Superior Sensor Longevity
This minimal drift means your Linear Resistor sensor retains its accuracy, providing consistent performance. For industries requiring reliable temperature monitoring, PTC Thermistor sensor KTY84-130 model is ideal choices. With extended operational life, the cost of sensor maintenance and replacement is greatly reduced.
Long-Term Stability of Linear Resistor and PTC Thermistor sensor
Linear Resistor offers long-term stability even under extended use. When operating at half the specified maximum temperature, our silicon-based PTC Thermistor sensor exhibits minimal drift. As shown in Table 1, this low drift persists for at least 450,000 hours (equal to 51 năm). This is calculated using the Arrhenius equation with an activation energy of 0.7 eV.
Reliable Performance Over Decades
The KTY81, KTY82, KTY83, KTY84-130 Linear Thermistor provides highly stable performance across its lifespan. Silicon’s inherent properties ensure that temperature drift is negligible, even after decades of operation. This makes Linear Resistor ideals for long-term applications where accuracy and reliability are critical.
Silicon-Based Batch Process Product for Stable Linear Resistor
Our Linear Resistor products are based on advanced silicon technology, benefiting from continuous improvements in microprocessors, computer memory, and other related fields. These advancements also positively impact packaging technology, leading to miniaturization and high-volume mass production.
Stable Performance of PTC Thermistor sensor
The behavior of Linear Thermistor and PTC Thermistor sensor remains exceptionally stable, just like the silicon they are built from. Recent tests confirm negligible temperature drifts even when sensors, such as the KTY81-130 Linear Resistor, is operating at their maximum limits. This ensures long-term reliability and consistent performance.
2. KTY81, KTY82, KTY83, KTY84 Different dimension:
(Unit: mm):
3. Different Key features & package of Linear Resistor shown as below
KTY Type | Sức chống cự(Ω)at 25℃ | Available Tolerance(ΔR) | Operation Temperature Range(°C) | Package Type |
KTY81-1 | 1000 | ±1% up to ±5% | −55 to 150 | SOD70 |
KTY81-2 | 2 000 | ±1% up to ±5% | −55 to 150 | SOD70 |
KTY82-1 | 1000 | ±1% up to ±5% | −55 to 150 | SOT23 |
KTY82-2 | 2000 | ±1% up to ±5% | −55 to 150 | SOT23 |
KTY83-1 | 1000 | ±1% up to ±5% | −55 to 175 | SOD68 (DO-34) |
KTY84-1 | 1000 (R100) | ±3% up to ±5% | −40 to 300 | SOD68 (DO-34) |
KTY series replaces NXP KTY series | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
KTY models | Infineon’s KT and KTY series |
KTY-81-230 | KT 100 |
KTY-81-230 | KT 110 |
KTY-81-230 | KT 130 |
KTY-83-130 | KT 210 |
KTY-83-130 | KT 230 |
KTY-81-251-1 | KTY 10-5 |
KTY-81-210 | KTY 10-6 |
KTY-81-210-1 | KTY 10-62 |
KTY-81-252-1 | KTY 10-7 |
KTY-81-251-1 | KTY 11-5 |
KTY-81-210 | KTY 11-6 |
KTY-81-252-1 | KTY 11-7 |
KTY-81-251-1 | KTY 13-5 |
KTY-81-210 | KTY 13-6 |
KTY-81-252-1 | KTY 13-7 |
KTY-83-110-1 | KTY 21-5 |
KTY-83-110 | KTY 21-6 |
KTY-83-121-1 | KTY 21-7 |
KTY-83-110-1 | KTY 23-5 |
KTY-83-110 | KTY 23-6 |
KTY-83-121-1 | KTY 23-7 |
KTY-81-210 | KTY 16-6 |
KTY-81-210 | KTY 19-6M |
KTY-81-210 | KTY 19-6Z |
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Cảm biến nhiệt độ NTC Đường dây thu nhiệt độ BMS
Cảm biến nhiệt độ NTC BMS là một thiết bị nhỏ nhưng chính xác được chế tạo cho Hệ thống quản lý pin (BMS) nhiệt độ được kiểm soát. Dây chuyền thu nhận nhiệt độ BMS Có đầu nối dạng vòng để dễ dàng gắn vào, nó dựa vào công nghệ NTC để theo dõi sự thay đổi nhiệt độ trong bộ pin. Cảm biến này rất quan trọng để duy trì sự an toàn và hiệu quả của pin, ngăn ngừa quá nhiệt hoặc hư hỏng. Việc cài đặt và tích hợp đơn giản vào hệ thống BMS khiến nó trở thành công cụ không thể thiếu để quản lý nhiệt độ pin hiệu quả.
NTC Thermistor Sensor Water Temperature Measurement using EPCOS NTC thermistor
1k, 2k, 2.7k, 3k, 5k, 10k, 15k, 20k, 30k, 40k, 47k, 50k, 100k, 200k ohm; B25/50: 3950 3435 3977K thermistor probe ntc temperature Measurement sensor using EPCOS NTC thermistor. NTC Thermistors sensor provide voltage and noise suppression as well as temperature measurement and compensation in automotive applications. These thermistors sensor probe feature multilayer NTC with inner electrodes, nickel barrier termination, and superior resistance temperature Measurement stability during soldering.
Đầu dò nhiệt độ, Các loại cảm biến nhiệt độ & ứng dụng
Đầu dò nhiệt độ là thiết bị dùng để đo nhiệt độ, thường bao gồm một phần tử nhạy cảm và một mạch đo. Phần tử nhạy cảm có thể là cặp nhiệt điện (pt100, pt1000), một điện trở nhiệt (ntc, ptc), một chất bán dẫn (DS18B20 kỹ thuật số), vân vân., có thể chuyển đổi sự thay đổi nhiệt độ thành tín hiệu điện. Sau đó nó được khuếch đại, được lọc, đã chuyển đổi, và được xử lý bằng mạch đo, và cuối cùng một tín hiệu điện tỷ lệ thuận với nhiệt độ được phát ra.