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Compatible models: The capillary thermostat temperature control switch is made of High-quality material, Exceed OEM specifications, High temperature applicable limit switch, Use our replacement parts for safety reliability and performance. Compatible with capillary thermostat automatic sensored switch ROBERTSHAW, Replacement for Adcraft deep Fryer, fit for Vulcan hart, fit for Cecilware , fit for Hobart, compatible with Star Mfg.
The capillary thermostat temperature control switch is crucial in our everyday lives. Whether setting the ideal indoor climate or regulating industrial temperatures, precise control is essential. Achieving this relies heavily on the capillary thermostat switch. At its core lies a small yet significant component—the bulb (Vacuole). This article explores the bulb’s importance in a capillary thermostat switch and its role in maintaining temperature stability. To explore our range of bulb and capillary switch, click here.
The capillary temperature control switch adopt Bulb and capillary are typically used to evaluate average temperature and are especially useful for applications where the temperature is to be maintained at a well-known, consistent value. The bulb (Vacuole) portion can be configured to accommodate mounting within the liquid state media to be controlled.
Compatible models: The capillary thermostat switch is made of High-quality material, Exceed OEM specifications, High temperature applicable limit switch, Use our replacement parts for safety reliability and performance. Compatible with capillary thermostat automatic sensored switch ROBERTSHAW, Replacement for Adcraft deep Fryer, fit for Vulcan hart, fit for Cecilware , fit for Hobart, compatible with Star Mfg.
The RX-2-24 capillary thermostat for Fryer 3/8″ Mpt Stuff Box OE Numbers: OE:00-272582-00001 272582-1 00-411506-00008 00-411506-00013 00-721025-00001 00-913153 111506-13 111506-8 21025-1 272582-1 411506-00008 411506-00013 411506-13 411506-8 721025-00001 721025-1 913153 2T-Y9265 Y9265 00-411506-00008 00-411506-00013 00-721025-00001 00-913153 111506-13 111506-8 21025-1 411506-00008 411506-00013 411506-13
Wide applications: các 1175 capillary temperature control Switch RX-1-36 fit for American Range:AF-45 AF25 AF45 AF75; fit for Anets:14VFS SLG40-LP;
fit for Dean:11G 1212E 2020E 2424E 2424G 32G 714G SCF SM SR TC fit for Frymaster CFD50 CFD60 SCFHD SM20 SR TC;
fit for Imperial Range: IF IFS IPC IRFS fit for Pitco: 2-SG14C-S/FD 45C+ SG SGC SGM;
fit for Southbend:GFS P16-FR45 and some other Fryer with 3/8″ Mpt Stuff Box capillary Thermostat.
Stable and Durable: The capillary temperature control Switch is made of reliable material, Exceed OEM specifications, High temperature applicable, Use our replacement parts for reliability performance.
Tính ổn định cao: The RX-2-24 capillary temperature control Switch for Fryer 3/8″ Mpt Stuff Box, 00-913153 Capillary Thermostat RX Series Millivolt Adjustable capillary thermostat RX-10-24 compatible with ROBERTSHAW, compatible with Adcraft deep Fryer, 200-400F, has a rational structure.
Product details
Electrical performance: 16, 20(3)A-250V~10(1.8)A-400V~
Product life:> 100,000 lần
Electric strength:AC2000V/1min
Điện trở tiếp xúc:50mΩ
The minimum current:200mA
Tide insulation resistance:≥10MΩ
Normal insulation resistance:≥100MΩ
The temperature response rate:≤ 1.0°C/min
Disconnect the temperature:the action temperature is plus or minus 5 degrees
Heat control Principal:
when the Tem is set at 35℃,the probe 1 Và 2 is closed when the sensed temperature is lower then 35,it stops heating until 1 Và 2 disconnected when the sensed temperature reached 35.
Cooling Principal:
Set the temperature at 35,the condensor stop working when sensed tem is lower then 35 when 1 &4 disconnect.The condensor began to cooling when the teperature reaches 35,the 1 Và 4 will closed.Thus a setting temperature is kept by such circulation.
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Công tắc nhiệt,bán hàng Công tắc nhiệt Bán buôn
Công tắc nhiệt là gì?
Công tắc nhiệt dựa trên môi trường làm việc của sự thay đổi nhiệt độ, biến dạng vật lý xảy ra bên trong sản phẩm, một phần tử điều khiển được bật hoặc tắt tự động, còn được gọi là công tắc điều khiển nhiệt độ, bảo vệ nhiệt, bộ điều khiển nhiệt độ và như vậy. Các phương pháp kiểm soát nhiệt độ thường được sử dụng là:
Defrost Low Temperature Thermal Cutoff Switch
Defrost Thermal Cutoff Switch Feature:1. Use the defrost temperature control switch + khai thác cầu chì nhiệt : Refrigerators are generally equipped with a cooling regulator. Users can adjust the temperature inside the refrigerator by turning the knob of the cooling regulator. Generally speaking, the temperature adjustment range is 1℃-7℃, and users can adjust it freely according to their needs.
KSD301 10A 250V NC / KHÔNG CÓ Công tắc điều chỉnh nhiệt độ Công tắc điều khiển nhiệt
KSD301 NC / KHÔNG (Thường mở/thường đóng) Công tắc điều khiển nhiệt Định mức điện : 16Một điện xoay chiều 125V (Tải điện trở). 10Máy điều nhiệt AC 250V. 16Một điện xoay chiều 250V. Nhiệt độ hoạt động : 50 ~ 230oC (UL.CUL 205oC). phản ứng lưỡng kim,tự động thiết lập lại nhiệt sao, vỏ nhựa giữ nhiệt, giá đỡ bảo vệ cố định.
SPST Limit Switch AC 36T Snap Disc Thermostat KSD302, KSD304
China custom to replace Rheem 36T SPST Limit Switch Snap Disc Thermostat AC 110V/400V, 10A/16A/45A~60A - Auto Reset (Flanged Airstream) #47-25334-01, 47-25334-01 SPST N/C A/R Limit (145 Open 125 Đóng), 47-25334-01, Rheem Limit Switch - Thường đóng, Close at 125F, Open at 145F, Manual Reset, 120 / 230VAC - 47-25334-01 - 47-25334-01.