Cảm biến nhiệt độ để kiểm soát nhiệt độ lưu trữ năng lượng pin

Cảm biến nhiệt độ được sử dụng để kiểm soát nhiệt độ lưu trữ năng lượng

Temperature control Kit (NTC, PT100, PT1000, DS18B20 energy storage sensor) is an important guarantee for the safe and economic operation of energy storage. In battery energy storage applications, the temperature sensor is mainly responsible for sensing the temperature changes of the battery. When the battery temperature reaches a certain threshold, the BMS will automatically terminate the charging and discharging operations of the battery.

Tiếp tục đọc

EV battery temperature sensor, voltage collection harness sensor

New Energy Vehicle EV Battery Temperature Detection and BMS Temperature Sensor

What is the biggest enemy of electric vehicle EV batteries? Extreme temperatures.
Lithium-ion batteries perform best in a temperature range of 15-45℃. Temperatures above this temperature can severely damage the battery, while lower temperatures can reduce the output of the battery cells, thereby reducing the range and available power.

Tiếp tục đọc

EV Thermal Management and PT100 Sensor Technology

Temperature sensor for automotive fast charging pile

Charge for 5 minutes and travel 300km”, this sounds familiar, but this time the protagonist is Huawei, and Huawei’s recently launched super-fast charging pile is far ahead again. Huawei’s fully liquid-cooled super-fast charging pile adopts advanced liquid cooling technology, with the characteristics of efficient heat dissipation, fast charging, safety and reliability.

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3 Dây điện 1 meter PT100, PT1000 temperature sensor kits

Temperature sensor selection for pellet stoves

Thermocouples are a commonly used temperature sensor based on the thermoelectric effect between two different metals. Thermocouples have a wide measurement range and good stability, and are suitable for temperature measurement in high temperature environments. Pellet stoves usually need to measure higher temperatures, so thermocouples are a common choice. Common types of thermocouples include K-type, N-type, and S-type, which can provide accurate temperature measurement in different temperature ranges.

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Giải pháp mạch thu nhiệt độ PT100/PT1000

Metal thermal resistors such as nickel, copper and platinum resistors have a positive correlation with the change in resistance with temperature. Platinum has the most stable physical and chemical properties and is the most widely used. The temperature measurement range of the commonly used platinum resistor Pt100 is -200~850 ℃. Ngoài ra, the temperature measurement ranges of Pt500, PT1000, vân vân. are successively reduced. PT1000, temperature measurement range -200~420 ℃. According to the IEC751 international standard, the temperature characteristics of the platinum resistor Pt1000 meet the following requirements:

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