乜嘢係熱敏電阻NTC同PTC? NTC同PTC傳感器探頭嘅製造
What are thermistors NTC and PTC?
NTC and PTC are both thermistors, which are special resistors that can change resistance with temperature. They can also be said to be a kind of sensor.
What are thermistors NTC and PTC?
NTC and PTC are both thermistors, which are special resistors that can change resistance with temperature. They can also be said to be a kind of sensor.
Q: Can you explain sensitivity resolution in more detail? Why are higher values better?
一個: High sensitivity eliminates any lead resistance. It also simplifies the supporting electronics. 一個 10,000 ohm thermistor changes resistance by 4.4% 或 440 ohms for a 1°C change in temperature. 一個 100 ohm platinum sensor changes resistance by 1/3 ohm for a 1°C change in temperature.
傳感器探頭和溫度測量電纜套件嘅核心技術涉及溫度傳感, 信號傳輸和數據處理. 溫度採集專家YAXUN使用高精度Shibaura NTC熱敏電阻製造傳感器溫度傳感線束, 包括傳感材料, 信號處理技術, 集成設計及未來發展趨勢.
PTC線性正溫度系數熱敏電阻採用PTC材料和物理工藝製成. 它具有出色的穩定性和複雜的線性度. 特性曲線喺重複数百万次後保持不變. 電阻值隨溫度的增加而增加, 線性變化, 並具有良好的線性度. 與PTC聚合物陶瓷合成嘅熱敏電阻相比, 具有良好的線性度,不需要線性補償措施來簡化電路設計. 它仲具有良好嘅電阻一致性, 互換性強, 以及標準化嘅外觀同規格. 溫度感應速度快, 1-2 喺空氣介質中嘅秒數, 並且具有高靈敏度. 體積細, 結構堅固, 同標準化嘅外觀, 適用於印刷電路板嘅自動化安裝.