熱敏電阻 (負溫度系數) 傳感器探頭 (包覆成型探針, 封閉端SST管; 矽膠Foley導管; 環氧樹脂密封, 鍍鎳黃銅管) /組件 (電纜 & 連接器) 適用於各種應用和行業. 我哋嘅THERMISTOR探頭同組件適用於溫度傳感應用,例如表面溫度檢測, 空氣-燃氣, 電器, 電源, HVAC/製冷系統, 液體, 醫療, 和監控.
Thermistor temperature sensor for electrical appliances
As everyone knows, the Small appliances , as a popular household kitchenware, not only has the function of heating, but also has many automatic functions. 例如, automatic heat preservation, automatic boiling water, automatic rice cooking, automatic soup cooking and other functions. The realization of all these automatic functions requires the Small appliances to be able to accurately measure and control the temperature. The existing Small appliances mainly uses a temperature sensor for temperature measurement. Such as:
Thin Film Element Pt100 Sensor
系列 111 direct immersion process threaded RTD probe sensors feature stainless steel sheaths and solder joints available in 1/8” NPT, 1/4” NPT, 3/8” NPT, 1/2” NPT or 3/4” NPT. A micro-embedded RTD probe is a miniature temperature sensor designed to be embedded in areas with limited space.
Water temp NTC thermistor sensors at household used in Water Heater Controller
Water temp NTC thermistor sensors In Probe variety of configurations for Water temperature sensing, measurement, detection, indicator, monitoring and control electric water heater, 空調, 雪櫃, 噴泉, 電磁爐, 咖啡機. Measurement range: -58 自 302 °F (-50 自 150 °C)
防水1-Wire DS18B20數字溫度傳感器
This product is the waterproof version of the TPE overmolding 1-Wire DS18B20 temperature sensor for Arduino, specifically designed for temperature measurements in distant or humid environments. This digital temperature sensor has a wide temperature range of IP68 -55°C to 125°C,
Waterproof 3950K NTC Temp Sensor Probe for Digital Temperature Transmitter Extension Cable
China Custom 1, 2, 5 Meter Waterproof Temp Sensor Probe, Stainless Steel 3950 NTC thermistor Probe, Digital Temperature Transmitter Extension Cable. 注意: NTC temperature sensor parameters can be customized according to customer requirements!
乜嘢係數字溫度傳感器? DS18B20傳感器探頭嘅設計
DS18B20 is a commonly used digital temperature sensor probe chip, which outputs a digital signal. It has the characteristics of small sensor probe, low hardware design requirements, strong anti-interference ability and high precision. The DS18B20 digital temperature sensor is easy to wire, and can be used in many occasions after the probe is packaged. Such as pipeline type, 螺紋型, magnet adsorption type, stainless steel package type, various models, including LTM8877, LTM8874, 等.
各種熱電偶傳感器探頭嘅外觀往往因需要而大唔相同. 然而, 它們的基本結構大致相同, 通常由主要部件組成,例如熱化物, 一種絕緣套管保護管, 同一個接線盒, 通常與顯示儀器配合使用, 記錄儀器和電子調節器.