A thermistor is a sensor resistor whose resistance changes as temperature changes. According to different temperature coefficients, they are divided into positive temperature coefficient thermistors and negative temperature coefficient thermistors.

顯示1–12 之 22 結果

Application of Temperature Probe Sensors?

Thermal resistor, 熱電偶, digital sensor chip NTC, PTC, PT100型, DS18B20 Temperature probe sensors are widely used in many fields. Here are some of the main application areas: temperature probe sensors are widely used in many fields, and they provide important technical support for temperature monitoring and control in various industries. If you have specific application scenarios or needs, I can provide you with more detailed selection and usage suggestions.

Applications of KTY81, KTY82系列, KTY83系列, KTY84 Series PTC Linear Resistor

The KTY series KTY81, KTY82系列, KTY83系列, KTY84 Linear Resistor, 包括KTY81-130, is essential for precise temperature measurement across various industries. Its Linear Thermistor design and PTC Thermistor properties make it a preferred choice for reliable temperature control.

BMS Ntc溫度傳感器採集線

NTC sensor for temperature sensing / voltage acquisition BMS Acquisition Line, Jat Connector Mx23A26sf1, Ntc Temperature Sensor Cable UL1332 20AWG Line.


就好似傳感器一樣, 它通常分為: NTC熱敏電阻探頭, PT100探頭, PT1000探頭, Ds18b20探頭, 水溫探頭, 汽車傳感器探頭, RTD探針, 溫度控制探頭, 溫度調節探頭, 家用電器傳感器探頭, 等.


NTC傳感器探頭代表 “負溫度系數”, 法語稱為CTN “負溫度系數”. NTC熱敏電阻傳感器係具有負溫度系數嘅電阻器, 意味住電阻會隨著溫度嘅升高而降低.

Defrost temperature sensor for car air conditioner and refrigerator

Refrigerator Defrost Sensor monitors the refrigerator temperature and signals the main control board to begin the defrost cycle. Temperature Sensor for Defrost Termination 2M · Sensor Type: NTC 10K, 10000Ω @ 25°C · Range: -40÷120°C · Accuracy: ±0.3°C @ 25°C · Sheath: Ø 6 x30Ø 5 x 200. Refrigerator Defrost Sensor with Thermal Fuse & thermostat switch Sensing temperature function.


What sensor is ds18b20?
DS18B20 is a commonly used digital temperature sensor, which outputs a digital signal with the characteristics of small size, low hardware overhead, strong anti-interference ability and high precision. The DS18B20 digital temperature sensor is easy to wire and can be used in a variety of occasions after packaging, such as pipeline type, 螺紋型, magnet adsorption type, stainless steel packaging type, and various models, including LTM8877, LTM8874, 等.


NTC熱敏電阻喺低溫下具有高電阻, 隨著溫度嘅升高,電阻迅速降低. 因此,NTC具有對非常細嘅溫度變化具有高度準確和快速響應時間嘅優勢. NTC熱敏電阻具有高精度, 但通常喺更窄嘅溫度範圍內, 如 0 °C到 +70 °C.

KTY linear PTC thermistor precision temperature sensor

YAXUN Customized Linear Thermistor The linear PTC thermistor KTY series of monocrystalline silicon features a high temperature coefficient of up to 7000PPM per degree. It can replace the KTY series thermistors of NXP (NXP) Philips (Philips), RTI’s DS series, and Infineon’s KTY series.


聚合物PTC溫度傳感器. 表面貼裝聚郃物PTC (正溫度系數) 溫度傳感器採用導電高分子聚合物複合材料為主要材料. 與傳統陶瓷PTC溫度傳感器嘅不同之處, 採用易於安裝的表面貼裝形式,安裝方便;

用于恒溫器溫度控制器冷氣嘅NTC傳感器, 雪櫃

定製5K 10K 15K 20K 25k 50K 100K NTC熱敏電阻傳感器 ( 橡膠頭銅頭傳感器探頭套件 ) 用于測量HVAC嘅溫度, 雪櫃, 蒸發器和調節內部. 空調裝置都可用于冬季供暖.


NTC BMS溫度傳感器係一款專為電池管理系統打造嘅小型精密設備 (BMS) 受控溫度. BMS溫度採集線帶環形端子,便於連接, 它依靠NTC技術嚟監測電池組嘅溫度變化. 該傳感器對於維護電池安全和效率至關重要, 防止過熱或損壞. 它易於安裝和集成到BMS系統中,使其成為有效電池溫度管理不可或缺嘅工具.