Thermostat, device to detect temperature changes for the purpose of maintaining the temperature of an enclosed area essentially constant. include building heating, central heating, 空調, HVAC系統, 熱水器, as well as kitchen equipment including ovens and refrigerators and medical and scientific incubators.
中國KSD301 / KSD302 series temperature Limit switch feature adjustable fan or limit operation in a versatile 3/4″(19毫米) 雙金屬片Hi-Amp & 高極限設計. 溫度傳感雙金屬嘅速動可實現高速觸點分離,從而延長使用壽命. 功能替代品WHITE-RODGERS & Therm-O-Disc熱盤. 雙金屬片式恆溫器- WRG3L01180, 3L01-180系列, 自動重置, 風扇嘅手動復位同SPDT款式, 鼓風機或上限切斷.
雙金屬片式限位恆溫器: 類型, 加工, 應用
雙金屬片式限位恆溫器或溫度開關是將其位置由常開變為常閉的開關 (手動 / 自動重置) 達到特定溫度時. 此掣有助於管理和控制製造和其他工業過程中嘅溫度.
Bi-Meta溫控器KST溫度控制開關設定溫度60°C~250°C負載能力16A/250VAC. 雙金屬線電壓恒溫器設計用于喺商業環境中調節精確嘅溫度, 工業, 同農業環境. 廣泛應用於Elextric加熱器, 電熨斗, 油炸, 電飯煲, 多士爐, 油炸鍋, 暖電燈, 焗爐等.
Bimetal Overload Thermal Protection for Three /Single Phase AC/DC Motor
Hi-Amp motor bimetal overload thermal protection switch are installed in motor circuits, and the current going to the motor passes through the bimetallic tripping element. The most salient feature of 17AM / KSD9700 / TB / 6AP/ 3MP/ 5AP series thermal overload switch / motor thermal protection switch is small volume and large current carrying capacity.
雙金屬片熱保護器NO溫度控制開關KSD9700 / 關
定製細尺寸雙金屬片熱保護器嘅工藝NO / 數控 (KSD9700 / Seki溫度控制開關塑料, 雙金屬片; 額定電壓 : 250V; 當前 : 5A~25安培 ; ).
(1): 與客戶討論需求 (控制熱截止溫度點, 操作模式 (手動和自動重置), 重置溫度, 安裝方法和尺寸);
雙金屬片熱敏掣 : 類型 & 應用
雙金屬熱敏開關使用雙金屬條是由兩條不同金屬條組成的條帶,它們在加熱時以不同的速率膨脹. 它們用于把溫度變化轉換為機械位移. 它創建一個圓弧, 好似彩虹. 隨著溫度嘅變化, 金屬嘅反應繼續不同, 操作熱切斷掣.
中國定製限位盘恒溫器控制掣Therm o-disc
Snap Disc, or 3/4″ 限位掣恒溫器 (KSD301/KSD302/KSD304/KSD308) 是雙金屬片機械恆溫器,通過雙金屬片的熱膨脹和收縮發揮作用,雙金屬片在設定溫度下從凸面“卡入”為凹面. 可承載高達AC 110V/400V嘅電壓, 10A-60A amps-240伏, 動作模式: 自動重置, 手動重置 (常開/常閉).
China EGO Energy Regulator 50.57021 230V 13A for Oven
The E.G.O. energy regulator can achieve stepless adjustment between 6% 和 70% of the rated power. At the highest setting, the heating process is continuous and the output power is 100% of the rated output. Longer current on time and shorter circuit off time achieve higher output power, such as for heating and frying. Shorter current on time and longer circuit off time achieve lower output power, such as for slow cooking.
EN03 EGO 50.57021.010 Energy Regulator Simmerstat Controller Switch 5057021010
Part Number: 50.57021.010 (previously 50.57071.010) 13一個, 230V.
Shaft: 23毫米 / 6mm diameter.
China Small Thermal Switches for Battery pack Temp Control
Custom world’s smallest size Temp Control Battery pack thermal switches (TB02, BW, KW) are equipped with an anti-static Temperature Limiter bimetal thermostat and current design, and one of the main advantages. As a result, itches with a long lifespan.
China SPST Bimetal Limit Snap Thermal Switch Supplier
SPST-NO/NC Bimetal thermal switch Applications include electric motors, 加熱器, 變形金剛, thermal coils, electronics, HVAC, and white goods. China Custom Limit Snap bimetal thermal switch (250v 10a / 125v 16a) is a temperature sensing device which is made with a formed 1/2′′ or 3/4′′ bi-metal disc that “snaps” at a preset temperature.
中國溫控盘3/4″ 具有高電流嘅Limit Snap恒溫器
呢啲精密定製嘅3/4“雙金屬片限位卡片溫控器可用于大電流應用; 可承載高達AC 110V/400V嘅電壓, 15A-60A amps-240伏, 超過 100,000 周期. 恒溫器中心嘅3/4英寸雙金屬片熱盤設置為- 5°~393°F嘅精確溫度範圍 (-20°-200°C). 產品認證: TUV公司, CE, UL認證, CUL系列, CQC質素控制.