88A Manual Reset Protector KUOYUH MINI Overcurrent Protector Breaker
88A series equipment manual reset circuit breakers (commonly known as motor overcurrent protectors) are suitable for AC 50/60Hz, rated working voltage to 250Vac, DC 32Vdc, rated current to 3A-20A for additional overload protection in the internal branch circuit of electrical equipment, a key part of the product The temperature sensing protector.
92 Series Manual Reset Overload Protector Battery Circuit Breaker 32VDC 0.5A~20A
KUOYUH 92 Series Overload Protector Circuit Breaker has automatic reset protector, manual reset protector, switch and other series. It has passed CQC, TUV公司, VDE, UL認證, CE, CB, 南非航空, KC and other certifications. It can be used for additional overload protection in branch circuits inside electrical equipment with AC 50/60Hz, rated working voltage up to 250Vac, DC 32Vdc, and rated current 0.5A to 300A.
97 系列單極PCB自動復位熱保護器斷路器10A
97 系列單極PCB自動復位斷路器係一種單極同自由循環跳掣保護裝置, 佢係一種可靠嘅電路保護器件. 習慣 97 系列自動復位熱保護器製造商和供應商喺中國, 專業提供高品質定製斷路器.
98 Series Manual Reset Thermal Overload Protector Switch Electronic Circuit Breaker
98 series equipment circuit breaker (commonly known as Motor overcurrent protector). Suitable for overload protection in branch circuits inside electrical equipment with AC 50/60Hz, rated working voltage up to 250Vac, DC 32Vdc, and rated current up to 50A.
ATM Auto Reset Snap Action Mini Circuit Breaker E31 E32 5A ~ 30A 14V 28V
E31 E32 5A to 30A Modified 14V 28V DC Automatic Reset Snap Action Circuit Breaker ; 類型: Low Voltage Circuit Breaker ; 認證: VDE/ISO9001-2000/CE/UL/CB/CCC/SAE.
乜嘢係自動復位斷路器? 斷路器嘅功能同應用:
自動復位斷路器以雙金屬片嘅動作特性為產品嘅工作原理. 用于AC/DC額定電流5-50A; 輸入電壓: 標準12VDC; 125VAC/250VAC50-60HZ; 可定製嘅24VDC需要防止過載或過電流嘅電路.
China Custom In-Line Car Audio Circuit Breaker Switch Fuse Holder
China Custom 4/8 AWG Inline Manual Reset fuse Circuit breaker for car stereo, car stereo fuse box 12V-24V DC. 20一個, 60一個, 80一個, 100一個, 150A and other specifications are available.
Circuit Breaker Magnetic Hydraulic Delay UL, CE TUV 50 一個, 1 Pole, 250 V, 10 kA
Circuit Breaker Magnetic Hydraulic Delay Designed to handle higher current and voltage applications and qualified, as per agency approval, for branch circuit protection or as a supplementary protector. Marine Circuit Breaker for Boat Trolling with Manual Reset,Water Proof,12V- 48V直流. A range of marine-grade electrical panel boxes, 開關, circuit breaker boxes, shunts, and meters, allowing you to complete your boat’s electrical system.