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帶金屬管嘅NTC電纜探頭組件, 矽膠電纜. 系列: FTR2SIL測量範圍: -50 自 180 °C傳感器: NTC公司, Pt100或Pt1000電纜材料: 矽. 該探頭由焊接到 24 AWG絞合TPE電纜,灌封喺銅外殼中. 組件正在留下模壓. NTC熱敏電阻傳感器系統使用NTC傳感器元件1K, 2K, 5K, 10K, 100K, 1000K; B值3375k, 3470K, 3950K, 3700k, 3935k, 3380k, 3450k, 3550k, 3600k, 3977k, 3950k.

NTC公司, PTC, PT100型, 用于溫度探頭傳感器嘅DS18B20

熱電偶探頭: 它利用熱電效應嚟測量溫度, 並具有測量範圍寬、響應速度快嘅特點.
熱電阻探頭: 利用金屬或半導體材料的電阻隨溫度變化的特性來測量溫度, 並具有測量精度高、穩定性好等特點.
半導體探針: 利用半導體材料的電導率隨溫度變化的特性來測量溫度, 並具有體積細嘅特點, 重量輕、功耗低.

溫度探頭, 溫度傳感器類型 & 應用

溫度探頭係一種用于測量溫度嘅設備, 通常由敏感元件和測量電路組成. 敏感元件可以係熱電偶 (PT100, PT1000系列), A熱敏電阻 (NTC, PTC), 半導體 (DS18B20數字化), 等。, 它可以把溫度變化轉換為電信號. 然後它被放大, 過濾, 轉換, 並由測量電路處理, 最後輸出與溫度成正比嘅電信號.


yaxun has a variety of sensor products already used in home appliances in different scenarios, providing systematic sensor solutions for smart home appliances. These sensors translate temperature into data, enabling precise control and monitoring for applications ranging from industrial processes to smart home devices.

熱敏電阻傳感器線束 & 電纜組件

It is surface mounting type sensor fixed to devices with mounting screw of different required size . Products can be custom according to different temp. This is a single (1) thermistor or fan wire harness. Harness measures 36″ (914.4毫米), 22 AWG.You can choose which circuit board (RAMBo, Mini-Rambo,

防水1-Wire DS18B20數字溫度傳感器

This product is the waterproof version of the TPE overmolding 1-Wire DS18B20 temperature sensor for Arduino, specifically designed for temperature measurements in distant or humid environments. This digital temperature sensor has a wide temperature range of IP68 -55°C to 125°C,


1-wire digital temperature sensors are fairly precise (±0.5°C over much of the range) and can give up to 12 bits of precision from the onboard digital-to-analog converter. The field temperature is directly transmitted by theone-wire busdigital method, which is suitable for field temperature measurement in harsh environments.

乜嘢係數字溫度傳感器? DS18B20傳感器探頭嘅設計

DS18B20 is a commonly used digital temperature sensor probe chip, which outputs a digital signal. It has the characteristics of small sensor probe, low hardware design requirements, strong anti-interference ability and high precision. The DS18B20 digital temperature sensor is easy to wire, and can be used in many occasions after the probe is packaged. Such as pipeline type, 螺紋型, magnet adsorption type, stainless steel package type, various models, including LTM8877, LTM8874, 等.