顯示1–12 之 27 結果

17am溫度控制 + PTC電機保護掣

自定義 17AM-D+PTC熱保護器的參數和線纜, 並且仲對線束進行加工以添加熱熔斷器. 17AM-D+PTC熱保護器 (德州儀器KLIXON) 對電流敏感, 與電機線圈串聯嘅溫度感應保護裝置. 保護器根據線圈溫度和電機電流而變化.


17AM熱保護器 (克利森) 工作原理: 17am電機熱保護器17am019-031 60-160 攝氏度常閉. TI 17AM熱保護器嘅工作原理基於雙金屬技術. 當溫度或電流升高時, 產生嘅熱量傳遞到雙金屬片上.



88A Manual Reset Protector KUOYUH MINI Overcurrent Protector Breaker

88A series equipment manual reset circuit breakers (commonly known as motor overcurrent protectors) are suitable for AC 50/60Hz, rated working voltage to 250Vac, 直流32Vdc, rated current to 3A-20A for additional overload protection in the internal branch circuit of electrical equipment, a key part of the product The temperature sensing protector.

92 Series Manual Reset Overload Protector Battery Circuit Breaker 32VDC 0.5A~20A

郭玉 92 Series Overload Protector Circuit Breaker has automatic reset protector, manual reset protector, switch and other series. It has passed CQC, TUV公司, VDE, UL認證, CE, CB, 南非航空, KC and other certifications. It can be used for additional overload protection in branch circuits inside electrical equipment with AC 50/60Hz, 额定工作電壓高達250Vac, 直流32Vdc, and rated current 0.5A to 300A.

97 系列單極PCB自動復位熱保護器斷路器10A

97 系列單極PCB自動復位斷路器係一種單極同自由循環跳掣保護裝置, 佢係一種可靠嘅電路保護器件. 習慣 97 系列自動復位熱保護器製造商和供應商喺中國, 專業提供高品質定製斷路器.

98 系列手動復位熱過載保護開關電子斷路器

98 系列設備斷路器 (俗稱電機過流保護器). 適用於交流50/60Hz電氣設備內部分支電路嘅過載保護, 额定工作電壓高達250Vac, 直流32Vdc, 额定電流高達50A.

Bimetal Overload Thermal Protection for Three /Single Phase AC/DC Motor

Hi-Amp motor bimetal overload thermal protection switch are installed in motor circuits, and the current going to the motor passes through the bimetallic tripping element. The most salient feature of 17AM / KSD9700 / TB / 6AP/ 3MP/ 5AP series thermal overload switch / motor thermal protection switch is small volume and large current carrying capacity.


乜嘢係自動復位斷路器? 斷路器嘅功能同應用:
自動復位斷路器以雙金屬片嘅動作特性為產品嘅工作原理. 用于AC/DC額定電流5-50A; 輸入電壓: 標準12VDC; 125VAC/250VAC50-60HZ; 可定製嘅24VDC需要防止過載或過電流嘅電路.

中國定製液壓, 單磁船用斷路器

船用斷路器BD系列 – 液壓電磁斷路器; BC系列 – 小型液壓斷路器; BC-1極液壓電磁斷路器; BA系列 – 液壓斷路器; 單磁斷路器.


中國海關 4/8 AWG直插式手動復位熔斷器汽車音響斷路器, 汽車音響保險絲盒12V-24V DC. 20一個, 60一個, 80一個, 100一個, 150A等規格可用.