Circuit Breaker Magnetic Hydraulic Delay UL, CE TUV 50 一個, 1 Pole, 250 V, 10 kA
Circuit Breaker Magnetic Hydraulic Delay Designed to handle higher current and voltage applications and qualified, as per agency approval, for branch circuit protection or as a supplementary protector. Marine Circuit Breaker for Boat Trolling with Manual Reset,Water Proof,12V- 48V直流. A range of marine-grade electrical panel boxes, 開關, circuit breaker boxes, shunts, and meters, allowing you to complete your boat’s electrical system.
Custom KSD301 1/2″ Snap Action Bimetal Disc Thermostat in China
Bimetal Snap Action Temperature Control: The KSD301 Phenolic resin (ceramic on request) series of 1/2” bimetal temperature controls from YAXUN Electric offers proven reliability in a compact, 經濟高效嘅設計. The KSD301 has a wide variety of applications to be used as a safety limit(hi-limit) or a regulation controller.
E39 E38用于車輛和船隻嘅自動復位低矮型ATC/ATO斷路器
ATC斷路器旨在替代大多數應用中嘅ATC熔斷器. 斷路器嘅底座形狀似ATC保險絲. ATC型自恢復斷路器與大多數ATC/ATO型熔斷器盒兼容. 可重置, III型. 適用于 10, 15, 20, 25 或 30 安培.
德國McCormick Thermik S06 120.05 150.05 125.05 電機恒溫器掣
產品系列: ST06電機恒溫掣替代德國麥考密克Thermik S06 S06 120.05 150.05 125.05
電氣參數: 6,3 一個~ 25 一個
聚酯薄膜 – Nomex絕緣紙;
KSD301 250V 10A N.C / N.O Thermostat Temperature Control Switch
KSD301 series snap-action bimetal thermostat is a kind of miniature hermetically sealed bimetal thermostat. (1/2″ 碟片). Widely used for temperature control or protection for household electric appliances. Crafted from high-quality alloy, this switch is built to withstand the rigors of daily use and maintain its performance over time. 它採用單刀單擲結構,可在電阻負載下工作. KSD301 bimetal thermostat is in wide use in a great variety of compact type home electrical appliances.
船用Hi-Amp船用斷路器 / 使用手動重置進行拖釣
Custom 16-3F, 187-Series 25A-300A, 2000A/32VDC , 2000A/14VDC, 1500A/48VDC Type Marine Circuit Breaker for Boat / 使用手動重置進行拖釣. 16-3F, 187-Series/ RED WOLF Circuit Breaker for Boat Trolling Motor Marine ATV Trailer Vehicles Stereo Audio Electronic Battery Solar System Inline Fuse with Manual Reset Switch Waterproof DC 12V-48V.
DC24V高電流微型電機熱過載保護器帶塑料外殼嘅切斷掣. 0.13美金至0.26美金最小起訂量:1000個人電腦 ; TB02B-B8D系列, KSD9700, ST-22系列, 17AM Lighting恒溫器熱過載保護器AC / 直流電動機 …
聚合物PTC溫度傳感器. 表面貼裝聚郃物PTC (正溫度系數) 溫度傳感器採用導電高分子聚合物複合材料為主要材料. 與傳統陶瓷PTC溫度傳感器嘅不同之處, 採用易於安裝的表面貼裝形式,安裝方便;
China Custom Inch Hi-Amp 2A~7.5Amp 1/2 TO-220 PCB Disc Thermostat Brand (JUC 31F系列, 6700, 67F070, KSD-01F) Choice and Price Advantage. Global high current ST01 B U6 TO-220 Thermal Cutoff Switch certifications include: UL認證, CUL系列, CQC質素控制, TUV公司, CB系列.