Showing 13–24 之 31 結果

Medical Disposable Temperature Probe, NTC Sensor Od 2.3mm probe

NTC Temperature Sensor Probe use in Rice Cooker top Cover, Commercial Cover Rice Cooker Top, Cover Temp Measuring Accessories 23.62 x 0.39 x 0.39 英寸; 0.48 盎司. 爱普科斯( EPCOS ) / AVX / SEMITEC / 斯荏 / 三菱 / OHIZUMI NTC熱敏電阻傳感器, Surface Mount Temperature Sensor. Rice cooker top lids temperature sensorfast response time for immediate adjustments to heating power: with a quick response time, this probe allows for immediate adjustments to the heating power in order to maintain the desired temperature.

Medical surface temperature sensor for infants with tolerance of ±0.1℃

Medical surface temperature sensor is used to measure human surface temperature. The product nominal resistance is 2.252kΩ or 10kΩ. The probe is a stainless steel φ5.6 probe, which can be equipped with a 2-pin aviation plug (or other plugs according to customer requirements). The measurement temperature tolerance is (25℃~45℃) ±0.1℃.

Micro medical radiofrequency ablation electrode temperature sensor

φ0.30mm PI tube packaged medical temperature sensor. This product is a miniature medical radiofrequency ablation electrode temperature sensor. The product uses a polyimide tube with an outer diameter of Maxφ0.30mm to encapsulate epoxy resin, and the lead wire uses an enameled wire with an outer diameter of 0.05mm. The resistance value of the miniature thermistor sensor is calibrated one by one.

用于恒溫器溫度控制器冷氣嘅NTC傳感器, 雪櫃

定製5K 10K 15K 20K 25k 50K 100K NTC熱敏電阻傳感器 ( 橡膠頭銅頭傳感器探頭套件 ) 用于測量HVAC嘅溫度, 雪櫃, 蒸發器和調節內部. 空調裝置都可用于冬季供暖.

NTC Temperature Sensor

What Is The NTC Temperature Sensor? NTC temperature sensor is an thermistor after the wire welding, encapsulate into a different probe and then use an epoxy seal. The temperature sensor retains all the features of the thermistor. After the optimization of the injection and cooling stages, will be made into a complete product, mass production is a continuous cycle of this processing step produced.


NTC BMS溫度傳感器係一款專為電池管理系統打造嘅小型精密設備 (BMS) 受控溫度. BMS溫度採集線帶環形端子,便於連接, 它依靠NTC技術嚟監測電池組嘅溫度變化. 該傳感器對於維護電池安全和效率至關重要, 防止過熱或損壞. 它易於安裝和集成到BMS系統中,使其成為有效電池溫度管理不可或缺嘅工具.


NTC temperature sensor probe with Overmolding Connector (JST, 莫莱克斯, RJ11, RJ12, RJ45, RJ50, XH, SM, PH, Aviation plug, terminal blocks, 5557, Faston terminal, audio jack, 等). The sensor head is made from TPE material, which has a good adhesion and sealing.


表面溫度NTC探頭/組件; 氣-氣NTC探頭/組件; HVAC/製冷系統NTC探頭/組件; 液位NTC探頭/組件; 患者監護NTC探頭/組件.


帶金屬管嘅NTC電纜探頭組件, 矽膠電纜. 系列: FTR2SIL測量範圍: -50 自 180 °C傳感器: NTC公司, Pt100或Pt1000電纜材料: 矽. 該探頭由焊接到 24 AWG絞合TPE電纜,灌封喺銅外殼中. 組件正在留下模壓. NTC熱敏電阻傳感器系統使用NTC傳感器元件1K, 2K, 5K, 10K, 100K, 1000K; B值3375k, 3470K, 3950K, 3700k, 3935k, 3380k, 3450k, 3550k, 3600k, 3977k, 3950k.

NTC熱敏電阻傳感器使用EPCOS NTC熱敏電阻進行水溫測量

1k, 2k, 2.7k, 3k, 5k, 10k, 15k, 20k, 30k, 40k, 47k, 50k, 100k, 200k歐姆; B25/50型: 3950 3435 3977K熱敏電阻探頭ntc溫度使用EPCOS NTC熱敏電阻嘅測量傳感器. NTC熱敏電阻傳感器喺汽車應用中提供電壓和噪聲抑制以及溫度測量和補償. 呢啲熱敏電阻傳感器探頭具有帶內部電極嘅多層NTC, 鎳阻擋層端接, 同卓越嘅電阻溫度焊接時嘅測量穩定性.


NTC thermistor sensors design is focused on the heater requirements control with 3 Meter PVC Cover Cable and widely used in dry and high temperature environments. UL recognized models available upon request.

NTC公司, PTC, PT100型, 用于溫度探頭傳感器嘅DS18B20

熱電偶探頭: 它利用熱電效應嚟測量溫度, 並具有測量範圍寬、響應速度快嘅特點.
熱電阻探頭: 利用金屬或半導體材料的電阻隨溫度變化的特性來測量溫度, 並具有測量精度高、穩定性好等特點.
半導體探針: 利用半導體材料的電導率隨溫度變化的特性來測量溫度, 並具有體積細嘅特點, 重量輕、功耗低.