Showing 13–24 之 28 結果

NTC熱敏電阻傳感器使用EPCOS NTC熱敏電阻進行水溫測量

1k, 2k, 2.7k, 3k, 5k, 10k, 15k, 20k, 30k, 40k, 47k, 50k, 100k, 200k歐姆; B25/50型: 3950 3435 3977K熱敏電阻探頭ntc溫度使用EPCOS NTC熱敏電阻嘅測量傳感器. NTC熱敏電阻傳感器喺汽車應用中提供電壓和噪聲抑制以及溫度測量和補償. 呢啲熱敏電阻傳感器探頭具有帶內部電極嘅多層NTC, 鎳阻擋層端接, 同卓越嘅電阻溫度焊接時嘅測量穩定性.

NTC公司, PTC, PT100型, 用于溫度探頭傳感器嘅DS18B20

熱電偶探頭: 它利用熱電效應嚟測量溫度, 並具有測量範圍寬、響應速度快嘅特點.
熱電阻探頭: 利用金屬或半導體材料的電阻隨溫度變化的特性來測量溫度, 並具有測量精度高、穩定性好等特點.
半導體探針: 利用半導體材料的電導率隨溫度變化的特性來測量溫度, 並具有體積細嘅特點, 重量輕、功耗低.


PT100, PT1000鉑電阻元件主要分類:
用于薄膜鉑電阻pt100, PT1000鉑電阻元件此類術語. 產品主要分為幾大類, 在低溫下覆蓋產品, 中溫和高溫.

Production of platinum temperature sensor

STT-M series temperature sensors Probe are packaged with magnetic bodies. For paramagnetic metal surfaces, it can be easily sucked to the surface for temperature measurement and can be easily installed and removed. It is suitable for the detection of the key point temperature of large equipment before leaving the factory, and other occasions where the temperature detection point needs to be replaced frequently, so as to improve the efficiency of temperature detection

PT100型 / PT1000 RTD帶過程連接嘅溫度傳感器探頭

China-made PT100/PT1000 platinum thermal resistor temperature sensor. The localization process of PT100/PT1000 platinum thermal resistor temperature sensor is accelerating as the international situation is pressing. It came into being to cooperate with many companies to fully localize platinum thermal resistors.

PT100焗爐用溫度傳感器燒烤探頭 / 燒烤 / 烤肉 / 油炸 / 吸煙者

PT100 BBQ probe Meat thermometer provides an instant readout of inner food temperature during a cooking cycle without opening the Oven / 燒烤 / 油炸 / 吸煙者; Temperature Range: 14 自 450 華度; -10 自 232 degrees Celsius; Probe cord heat resistant up to 700 華度

Pt100 temperature sensor for military equipment

Aerospace: In the aerospace field, PT100 sensors are used to measure the temperature of liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen combustion chambers, turbine engines, fuel cells, 等. of aircraft and spacecraft. High precision, high reliability and strong stability are required.


作為常見嘅傢用電器, 消毒櫃廣泛用于家庭和商業場所嘅食品消毒和保健. 在消毒櫃中, PT1000溫度傳感器係精確測量和控制消毒櫃內溫度嘅非常重要嘅設備.

RTD PT100 Temperature Sensor Probe with Cable

What is a Platinum thermal resistance sensor?
An RTD (Resistance Temperature Detector) is a Platinum thermal resistance whose resistance changes with changes in temperature. Its resistance increases as the sensor temperature increases. The relationship between resistance and temperature is well known and repeatable over time. RTD is a passive device. It does not produce output by itself. External electronics can be used to measure the sensor resistance by passing a small current through the sensor to produce a voltage. Typically 1 mA or less measurement current, maximum 5 馬, without risk of self-heating.

溫度探頭, 溫度傳感器類型 & 應用

溫度探頭係一種用于測量溫度嘅設備, 通常由敏感元件和測量電路組成. 敏感元件可以係熱電偶 (PT100, PT1000系列), A熱敏電阻 (NTC, PTC), 半導體 (DS18B20數字化), 等。, 它可以把溫度變化轉換為電信號. 然後它被放大, 過濾, 轉換, 並由測量電路處理, 最後輸出與溫度成正比嘅電信號.