KSD9700 thermostat thermal protector switch
KSD9700 series temperature control switch (Hi-Amp cut-off & battery thermal protection thermostat) is composed of high-sensitivity bimetal disc, moving contact, static contact, fixed base, shell, temperature-resistant wire, 等. When working, the bimetallic disc is in a free state, the moving contact and the static contact are closed, and the circuit is turned on.
金屬熱熔斷器連結 (thermal cut off ) consists of a sliding contact, 彈簧, and an electrically nonconductive thermal pellet. Before the limit thermal fuse is activated, current flows from the left lead to the sliding contact and through the metal housing to the right lead. Metal Shell Thermal Fuse Cutoff 250VAC 10A Temperature Fuse link TF 72-250℃ (192攝氏度).
熱熔斷器也稱為溫度熔斷器, 熱連結, 熱斷路器 (總擁有成本), 或一槍. 佢係一種溫度傳感電路切斷裝置 (中國定製金屬, 陶瓷, 方殼熱熔斷器). 限流器熱熔斷器可以感應電子電氣產品異常運行產生嘅過熱, 從而切斷電路以避免火災.
Thermal Fuse Link同Thermal Cutoff Switch嘅區別
一個 “熱熔斷器連結 (易熔合金絲和有機熱熔斷器 )” 本質上係一次過嘅熔斷, 當電路達到特定溫度時永久斷開電路的熱敏元件. 雖然 “熱熔斷掣” 係一種雙金屬帶狀裝置,達到高溫後可能會自行切斷緊, 允許電路喺溫度降至設定點以下時重新連接.
Thermodisc 3/4″ Snap Switch Thermostat, DPST High Limits
The 3/4″ Snap Disc Limit thermostat made in China is UL, TUV公司, CQC質素控制, and ROHS certified. The Series of 3/4″ (19毫米) bimetal disc temperature controls offers proven reliability in a versatile, cost-effective design. Can handle loads up to 20~60 amps at 240VAC. It can replace White-Rodgers, 愛默生, Senasys, and Supco Snap Disc Limit thermostat.