LEAO, 染, 松下, SWC Limiter熱熔斷器
LEAO中使用嘅熔体材料, 染, 松下, SWC熱熔斷器喺熱熔斷器嘅性能中起著至關重要的作用,係成個設備嘅核心部件之一. 根據熔體材料嘅特性, 我哋可以把它們分為兩類: 低熔點和高熔點.
Mechanical resistance thermal cutoffs Devices (DF SF Series 10amp)
Subsequently, the voltage between the contacts of the thermal cutoff and the DC circuit rises to ensure that the DC circuit is disconnected. Through the present invention, the problem that the thermal cutoff in the DC circuit cannot effectively cut off the circuit is solved, and the effect of improving the circuit safety is achieved.
金屬熱熔斷器連結 (thermal cut off ) consists of a sliding contact, 彈簧, and an electrically nonconductive thermal pellet. Before the limit thermal fuse is activated, current flows from the left lead to the sliding contact and through the metal housing to the right lead. Metal Shell Thermal Fuse Cutoff 250VAC 10A Temperature Fuse link TF 72-250℃ (192攝氏度).
熱熔斷器也稱為溫度熔斷器, 熱連結, 熱斷路器 (總擁有成本), 或一槍. 佢係一種溫度傳感電路切斷裝置 (中國定製金屬, 陶瓷, 方殼熱熔斷器). 限流器熱熔斷器可以感應電子電氣產品異常運行產生嘅過熱, 從而切斷電路以避免火災.
DC24V高電流微型電機熱過載保護器帶塑料外殼嘅切斷掣. 0.13美金至0.26美金最小起訂量:1000個人電腦 ; TB02B-B8D系列, KSD9700, ST-22系列, 17AM Lighting恒溫器熱過載保護器AC / 直流電動機 …
China Custom Inch Hi-Amp 2A~7.5Amp 1/2 TO-220 PCB Disc Thermostat Brand (JUC 31F系列, 6700, 67F070, KSD-01F) Choice and Price Advantage. Global high current ST01 B U6 TO-220 Thermal Cutoff Switch certifications include: UL認證, CUL系列, CQC質素控制, TUV公司, CB.
更換Hi-limit Cut off恒溫器 & 自恢復熱敏掣
KSD301型, KD302系列, KSD306型, KD308高限截止溫控器 & 自恢復熱敏掣当電路正常工作時, 觸點處於閉合狀態. 当達到額定工作溫度時, 雙金屬受熱變形並迅速斷裂, 切斷電路. 然之後, 設備開始冷卻.
SET Square TCO熱熔斷器使用扁鐵
一塊易熔合金線連接喺熱熔斷器嘅兩個引腳之間, 它由特殊嘅透明樹脂方形外殼覆蓋. 電流可以由一個引腳流向另一個引腳. 當熱熔斷器周圍的溫度上升到其設定的工作溫度時, 其易熔合金絲熔化並收縮成球形, 並喺表面張力同特殊樹脂嘅幫助下連接到兩個銷釘嘅末端. 以呢種方式, 電路被永久切斷.