Showing 13–24 之 54 結果


定製世間上最細尺寸嘅Temp Control電池組熱敏掣 (TB02系列, BW, 千瓦) 配備防靜電溫度限制器雙金屬恆溫器和電流設計, 同主要優勢之一. 結果, 使用壽命長嘅痕癢.

中國溫控盘3/4″ 具有高電流嘅Limit Snap恒溫器

呢啲精密定製嘅3/4“雙金屬片限位卡片溫控器可用于大電流應用; 可承載高達AC 110V/400V嘅電壓, 15A-60A amps-240伏, 超過 100,000 周期. 恒溫器中心嘅3/4英寸雙金屬片熱盤設置為- 5°~393°F嘅精確溫度範圍 (-20°-200°C). 產品認證: TUV公司, CE, UL認證, CUL系列, CQC質素控制.


中國定製TO-220熱熔斷掣JUC-31F/ KSD-01F代替Airpax® 6700 系列超小型溫控器. JUC-31F/ KSD-01F符合RoHS標準, 正向捕捉操作, 單極 / 單擲, 超小型雙金屬恆溫器,可在單個設備中提供準確可靠的傳感和開關.


森薩塔 / AIRPAX 67F075溫控掣係觸啲感溫卡扣式, 塑料封裝雙金屬溫控器. 外殼係絕緣嘅, 工作性能穩定,壽命長. 產品靈敏可靠, 唔會引起電弧, 易於安裝, 並且無線電干擾較少. 廣泛應用於電路板, 開關電源, 充電器, 鎮流器等領域.

Custom KSD301 1/2Snap Action Bimetal Disc Thermostat in China

Bimetal Snap Action Temperature Control: The KSD301 Phenolic resin (ceramic on request) series of 1/2” bimetal temperature controls from YAXUN Electric offers proven reliability in a compact, 經濟高效嘅設計. The KSD301 has a wide variety of applications to be used as a safety limit(hi-limit) or a regulation controller.

Defrost Low Temperature Thermal Cutoff Switch

Defrost Thermal Cutoff Switch Feature:1. Use the defrost temperature control switch + 熱熔斷器線束 : Refrigerators are generally equipped with a cooling regulator. Users can adjust the temperature inside the refrigerator by turning the knob of the cooling regulator. 一般而言, the temperature adjustment range is 1℃-7℃, and users can adjust it freely according to their needs.

除霜溫度開關 + 熱熔斷器線束

冰箱除霜熱敏掣 + 電纜: 除霜溫控器透過溫度傳感器檢測環境溫度. 呢啲傳感器將檢測到嘅溫度值轉換為電信號, 然後將其傳遞到控制電路進行處理.

碟片3/4″ Snap Disc限位溫度控制掣, Open on Rise 36T恒溫器

China Made to replace White Rodgers 3L01-250 3/4″ Snap Disc限位溫度控制掣 (艾默生3L02-200, 3L05系列, 3L01-180系列, ), 切入- 115 F度, 斷流器 – 130 F度 (Open on Rise).

Disc Self Hold Thermal CUT OUT & Resistor Combination

The KSD301 / KSD302 series self-hold thermal cut-outs have an internal heater to stop them from auto-resetting. This means they can be located remotely and reset by switching off the applied voltage. KSD series 1/2″ , 3/4”disc manual-reset thermal cutouts offer extra thermal protection where auto-resetting devices are not desirable.

Function and Selection of Capillary Temperature Control Switch

Compatible models: The capillary thermostat temperature control switch is made of High-quality material, Exceed OEM specifications, High temperature applicable limit switch, Use our replacement parts for safety reliability and performance. Compatible with capillary thermostat automatic sensored switch ROBERTSHAW, Replacement for Adcraft deep Fryer, fit for Vulcan hart, fit for Cecilware , fit for Hobart, compatible with Star Mfg.

風筒SEKI ST-12微動式熱敏掣

風筒嘅過熱保護SEKI ST-12係一種溫度控制器,使用雙金屬片作為溫度傳感元件. 防止風筒長時間運行時電熱絲過熱和燒壞.