中國溫控盘3/4″ 具有高電流嘅Limit Snap恒溫器
呢啲精密定製嘅3/4“雙金屬片限位卡片溫控器可用于大電流應用; 可承載高達AC 110V/400V嘅電壓, 15A-60A amps-240伏, 超過 100,000 周期. 恒溫器中心嘅3/4英寸雙金屬片熱盤設置為- 5°~393°F嘅精確溫度範圍 (-20°-200°C). 產品認證: TUV公司, CE, UL認證, CUL系列, CQC質素控制.
中國定製TO-220熱熔斷掣JUC-31F/ KSD-01F代替Airpax® 6700 系列超小型溫控器. JUC-31F/ KSD-01F符合RoHS標準, 正向捕捉操作, 單極 / 單擲, 超小型雙金屬恆溫器,可在單個設備中提供準確可靠的傳感和開關.
蠕變動作溫控器, 電機保護器
[PEPI蠕變動作恒溫器] VAA1採用雙金屬控制, 內部係一個低電阻電路,帶有鍍金觸點. 恒溫控制設計,體積細. 它適用於電熱毯, 電熱墊及各種需要恒溫功能的小家電.
KSD301/KSD302型 (常開/常閉) 該系列產品係應用最廣泛嘅雙金屬盤式溫控器. 在雅迅, 我哋提供高精度碟形雙金屬衝壓, 溫度分類, 集會, 產品檢測一站式服務. 我哋嘅產品開發滿足市場的需求, 有各種不同嘅產品尺寸, 不同嘅溫度控制方式.
Custom KSD301 1/2″ Snap Action Bimetal Disc Thermostat in China
Bimetal Snap Action Temperature Control: The KSD301 Phenolic resin (ceramic on request) series of 1/2” bimetal temperature controls from YAXUN Electric offers proven reliability in a compact, 經濟高效嘅設計. The KSD301 has a wide variety of applications to be used as a safety limit(hi-limit) or a regulation controller.
Defrost Low Temperature Thermal Cutoff Switch
Defrost Thermal Cutoff Switch Feature:1. Use the defrost temperature control switch + 熱熔斷器線束 : Refrigerators are generally equipped with a cooling regulator. Users can adjust the temperature inside the refrigerator by turning the knob of the cooling regulator. 一般而言, the temperature adjustment range is 1℃-7℃, and users can adjust it freely according to their needs.
碟片3/4″ Snap Disc限位溫度控制掣, Open on Rise 36T恒溫器
China Made to replace White Rodgers 3L01-250 3/4″ Snap Disc限位溫度控制掣 (艾默生3L02-200, 3L05系列, 3L01-180系列, ), 切入- 115 F度, 斷流器 – 130 F度 (Open on Rise).
Disc Self Hold Thermal CUT OUT & Resistor Combination
The KSD301 / KSD302 series self-hold thermal cut-outs have an internal heater to stop them from auto-resetting. This means they can be located remotely and reset by switching off the applied voltage. KSD series 1/2″ , 3/4”disc manual-reset thermal cutouts offer extra thermal protection where auto-resetting devices are not desirable.