中國溫控盘3/4″ 具有高電流嘅Limit Snap恒溫器

呢啲精密定製嘅3/4“雙金屬片限位卡片溫控器可用于大電流應用; 可承載高達AC 110V/400V嘅電壓, 15A-60A amps-240伏, 超過 100,000 周期. 恒溫器中心嘅3/4英寸雙金屬片熱盤設置為- 5°~393°F嘅精確溫度範圍 (-20°-200°C). 產品認證: TUV公司, CE, UL認證, CUL系列, CQC質素控制.

China Yaxun 3/4″ Limit Snap Disc Thermostat (Automatic Reset/Manual Reset) are quality-engineered bimetal thermal sensors Switche specifically designed for a variety of Electrical Temp Control applications. Snap Disc, or snap switch thermostats are bimetal mechanical thermostats that function via the thermal expansion and contraction of a bimetal disc that “snaps” from a convex to a concave shape at a set temperature. When the disc “snaps”, it either completes or interrupts a circuit. The most common application for a snap switch or snap action thermostat is as an over-temperature protection (or OTP) failsafe.

產品認證: TUV公司, CE, UL認證, CUL系列, CQC質素控制

China Temp Control 3/4” Disc Limit Snap Thermostat

China Temp Control 3/4” Disc Limit Snap Thermostat

3/4·Snap Disc自動溫度限制控制

3/4·Snap Disc自動溫度限制控制

3/4” adjustable automatic reset snap disc thermostats

3/4” adjustable automatic reset snap disc thermostats

呢啲精密定製嘅3/4“雙金屬片限位卡片溫控器可用于大電流應用; 可承載高達AC 110V/400V嘅電壓, 15A-60A amps-240伏, 超過 100,000 周期. A 3/4″ bimetal thermodisc at the heart of our thermostat is set to a precise temperature range within -26°~450°F (-32°-320°C). Temperature calibrations are preset. To insure that a safe combination of thermostat and application is achieved, the purchaser must determine product suitability for their individual requirements.

應用: Applicable to electrical equipment and household appliances with large power loads such as welding machines, 熱水器, heaters, electric vehicle batteries, 洗衣機, 雪櫃, sanitary ware thermostats, 等.

1. 電氣參數: 1) CQC質素控制, VDE, UL認證, CUL系列. AC250V 50~60Hz 5A / 10一個 / 15A~60A (電阻負載).
2. UL交流125V 50Hz 15A (電阻負載).
2. 工作溫度範圍: 0~240℃ (自選).
3. 恢復和操作溫差: 8~100°C (自選).
4. 接線方法: 插頭端子 250# (彎曲0~90°可選); 插頭端子 187# (彎曲0~90°可選, 厚度 0.5, 0.8mm可選).
5. 電氣強度: 交流50Hz 1800V持續1分鐘, 無閃爍, 冇故障.
6. 聯繫表格: 常閉型: 溫度升高, contact disconnects, 溫度下降, contact connects; 常開型: 溫度升高, contact connects, 溫度下降, contact disconnects.
7. 外殼保護級別: IP00防護等級.
8. 接地方式: 透過恒溫器嘅金屬外殼連接到設備嘅接地金屬部件.
9. 安裝方法: KSD302 series with movable ring, fixed ring, mounting plate movable ring, ordinary stainless steel cover with mounting holes.
10. 工作溫度範圍: -32℃∽+320℃.

3/4″ Limit Snap Disc Thermostat (Automatic Reset/Manual Reset)

3/4″ Limit Snap Disc Thermostat (Automatic Reset/Manual Reset)

Selection of Snap Disc, or snap switch thermostats

Selection of Snap Disc, or snap switch thermostats

3/4" Snap Disc Thermostat Installation Dimensions

3/4″ Snap Disc Thermostat Installation Dimensions


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