E39 ATC/ATO Circuit Breaker Blade Fuse Manual Reset Low Profile

There are many electrical devices in the car circuit connected by wires of different colors. 其中, the most important one should be the Blade fuse. Car fuse is a customary name, and it is called Blade fuse in the national standard. The function of the Blade fuse is to protect the circuit (line) and electrical equipment. Car fuses work in the DC environment commonly found in vehicles. The rated voltage of the fuse is 32 自 80 volts, and the ampere rating is 0.5 自 500 安培. ATC/ATO Blade fuses are widely used in cars, 貨車, buses and off-road transportation equipment to protect cables, wires and electrical components that power operating lights, heaters, 空調, radios, power windows and other electrical accessories. They are also used in electric and hybrid vehicles and various electronic applications. Typical car fuses include car blade fuses, such as car ATO fuses, car Mini fuses, car MAXI fuses and car MEGA fuses.

ATC ATO E39 Circuit Breaker Blade Fuse Manual Reset Low Profile

ATC ATO E39 Circuit Breaker Blade Fuse Manual Reset Low Profile

Circuit Breakers ATC ATO mini Fuses E39 Manual Reset Assortment Kit (5A 10A 15A 20A 25A 30A

Circuit Breakers ATC ATO mini Fuses E39 Manual Reset Assortment Kit (5A 10A 15A 20A 25A 30A

GLOSO E39 Manual (T3) Reset Low Profile ATC ATO Circuit Breakers Fuse

GLOSO E39 Manual (T3) Reset Low Profile ATC ATO Circuit Breakers Fuse

About this item
3A @ 32Vdc – 1 Pack
ATO/ATC Manual Reset (T3) Circuit Breakers
材料: UL-Rated 94V0 thermoplastic body. Tin-plated copper alloy terminals
終止: 5.2mm wide blades compatible with ATO/ATC type fuse blocks
合規性: SAEJ553; SAEJ1171 (點火保護)


項目名稱: Manual Reset Blade Fuse 零件號: E39
大小: 19.9×36.5 Mm 安裝類型: Plug-in
中斷額定值: 2000A @ 32 VDC直流電 本體材料: Thermoplastic
端子材料: Tin-plated Copper Alloy 額定電壓: 28V Dc
電流0.1A~20Ag: 5A 7.5A 10A 15A 20A 25A 30A 符合RoHS標準:
無鹵素: 操作溫度: -40˚C To +85˚C


E39 ATC ATO Manual Reset Blade Fuse for Car over-current protection


產品名稱 ATC ATO Blade Fuse
Feature: 手動重置
電壓額定值 28V直流
安培額定值 5A 7.5A 10A 15A 20A 25A 30A
端子寬度 5.2毫米



規範 Parameters
Interrupting Capability 2嘉
Component Level Temperature Range: -40°C to +125°C
System Level Temperature Range: -40°C to +85*C
Terminals: Tin-platedcopper alloy
本體材料: UL Rated 94V-0 thermoplastic body
合規性: SAEJ553;SAEJ1171(點火保護)


E39 Manual Reset blade fuse dimension:

E39 ATC/ATO Manual Reset blade fuse dimension

E39 ATC/ATO Manual Reset blade fuse dimension


5A tan

6A moss green

7.5A brown

10A red

15A blue

20A yellow

25A white

30A green



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