
NTC temperature sensor probe with Overmolding Connector (JST, 莫莱克斯, RJ11, RJ12, RJ45, RJ50, XH, SM, PH, Aviation plug, terminal blocks, 5557, Faston terminal, audio jack, 等). The sensor head is made from TPE material, which has a good adhesion and sealing.

NTC temperature sensor probe with Overmolding Connector (JST, 莫莱克斯, RJ11, RJ12, RJ45, RJ50, XH, SM, PH, Aviation plug, terminal blocks, 5557, Faston terminal, audio jack, 等). The sensor head is made from TPE material, which has a good adhesion and sealing. The sensor of Waterproof TPE plastic overmolding NTC thermistor is a kind of waterproof sensor solution. The sensor head is made from TPE material, which has a good adhesion and sealing. Softness and flexibility make this product widely used in a variety of applications.

The flexible and wide temperature range cable makes this type of probe particularly advantageous for cold detection applications.

The specifications of the sensor and the length of the cable can be customized according to requirements.

Waterproof NTC sensor TPE Overmolding water temperature measurement

Waterproof NTC sensor TPE Overmolding water temperature measurement

TPE包覆成型10K 3950 水箱溫度傳感器電纜帶6.35毫米音頻插頭

TPE包覆成型10K 3950 水箱溫度傳感器電纜帶6.35毫米音頻插頭

Stainless steel NTC sensor with TPE Overmolding connector

Stainless steel NTC sensor with TPE Overmolding connector

Subject 規範 More options
傳感器 NTC 10KΩ NTC 10K, NTC 50KΩ, NTC 100KΩ, PT100型, PT1000系列, DS18B20, 等.
電纜 TPE cable PVC cable, PU cable, silicone cable, 等.
連接器 Nothing JST, 莫莱克斯, RJ11, RJ12, RJ45, RJ50, XH, SM, PH, Aviation plug, terminal blocks, 5557, Faston terminal, audio jack, 等.
Precision 1% 1,5%, 2%, 2,5%, 3%, 等.
IP class IP68 IP65, IP66, IP68, 等.

Waterproof NTC, PT100型, DS18B20 temperature sensors can be used in many places, such as soil temperature detection, hot water tank temperature control, 等. The waterproof temperature sensor is a TPE Plastic Overmolding temperature sensor. This sensor can play a great role in measuring the temperature at a distance and in a humid environment. It is suitable for temperature detection in freezing and refrigeration environments such as refrigerators, indoor and electromechanical equipment temperature detection, soil temperature detection, hot water tank temperature control and other scenarios. It can be used with Arduino, micro:bit and other main controllers. It not only supports mind+ and makecode graphical programming, but also supports programming-free functions.

The waterproof temperature sensor can be used with Arduino, Micro:bit and other main controllers. When using, a pull-up resistor must be connected and used with a pluggable sensor adapter.
Connect the circuit as shown in the figure below. After powering on, put the probe of the waterproof temperature sensor into the object to be measured, and the temperature value of the measured object can be directly read through the display module. The temperature sensing range of the waterproof temperature sensor is between -55℃~+125℃, and the temperature display range is -10°C+85°C (error ±0.5°C).

注意: Although the product can work normally at 125°C. 然而, since the cable is made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) material and is not as heat-resistant as the sensor, we recommend not placing it in a place where the temperature is higher than 100°C.

Principle Introduction
The probe of the TPE Plastic Overmolding sensor uses a thermistor and is potted with a sealant with high thermal conductivity. The high sensitivity and minimal temperature delay of the sensor are guaranteed, and each pin of the chip itself is separated by a heat shrink tube to prevent short circuits. It is packaged with high-quality stainless steel tubes to achieve waterproof, moisture-proof and rust-proof functions.

Freezing Temperature Sensor Defrosting Sensor Probe


類型: TPE Plastic Overmolding sensor B25/50型: 3950K, 3977K, 3435K
傳感器頭: O型圈, 金屬叉, 注射管, NPT, M16系列, 無污染鋼管 線: CL2 PT4,#24 2466,#28 1332
用法: Refrigerator Defrost Sensor, 即熱式熱水器, 熱水器, 空調, 雪櫃, 噴泉, 電磁爐, 咖啡機 Pn (額定功率): 50兆瓦
高光: 爱普科斯( EPCOS ) / AVX / SEMITEC / 斯荏 / 三菱 / OHIZUMI NTC熱敏電阻傳感器, TPE Plastic Overmolding sensor

Custom TPE Plastic Overmolding ntc temperature sensor Wire 0.5M~10M Theory Signal Output Origin.

規格名稱 範圍 檢測條件
R25系列(標稱電阻值) 1k, 2k, 2.7k, 3k, 5k, 10k, 15k, 20k, 30k, 40k, 47k, 50k, 100k, 200k (爱普科斯( EPCOS ) / AVX / SEMITEC / 斯荏 / 三菱 / 大泉NTC熱敏電阻) 恒溫25°C±0.05°C
R25允許嘅差異(%) ±1,±2, ±3, ±5, ±10 恒溫25°C±0.05°C
B25/50或B25/85(材料系數)(熱敏感指數) 2500~5000K 恒溫25°C±0.05°C


B25/50值允許差異(%) ±1,±2 恒溫25°C±0.05°C


∫(耗散系數) ≥0.8mw/°C 空氣中嘅靜電
T(熱時間常數) ≤25S 空氣中嘅靜電
鉭(工作溫度) -30°C~+120°C
Pn (額定功率) 50兆瓦 在工作溫度內
外殼和頭部 叉頭, O形環頭,水滴, 金屬錶殼, 螺紋銅外殼, 注射頭, 無污染鋼管, 或根據客戶嘅圖紙
引線 #24 30# 2651, UL4411認證 28#, 雙線導體等, 或根據客戶要求.
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