Showing 121–132 之 278 結果

E39 E38用于車輛和船隻嘅自動復位低矮型ATC/ATO斷路器

ATC斷路器旨在替代大多數應用中嘅ATC熔斷器. 斷路器嘅底座形狀似ATC保險絲. ATC型自恢復斷路器與大多數ATC/ATO型熔斷器盒兼容. 可重置, III型. 適用于 10, 15, 20, 25 或 30 安培.

艾默生G4 / G5系列microtemp 10A / 20熱熔斷器

艾默生集團生產嘅MICROTEMP® G4 G5系列熱熔斷器, 根據不同的產品規格, 额定負載電流, 分別, 最高AC250V 10A, AC120V 15A同DC24V 5A. 提供可靠嘅過熱保護, 中同行業產品, MICROTEMP® G4 G5系列熱熔斷器奠定了其旗艦地位,不可撼動.

Energy Storage CCS PT100 / PT1000 Sensor & Cable Assembly Solution

Pt100 and Pt1000 are the most widely used RTD sensors Cable. Although similar, their different nominal resistances determine which applications they will suit. Available in two versions: as a thin film sensor and as a wire sensor, which differ in the permissible measurement current and the operating temperature range.

Fast-response oven, BBQ meat sensor probe

pt100/pt1000 Thermistor NTC Temperature sensor parameters of BBQ barbecue thermometer:
NTC thermistor, PT100型.
Φ4MM, Φ3.8MM bent 304 stainless steel probe.
Silicone handle
3.5, 2.5 connection plug
Measuring temperature range: 200°, 250°, 380° for lead selection

Function and Selection of Capillary Temperature Control Switch

Compatible models: The capillary thermostat temperature control switch is made of High-quality material, Exceed OEM specifications, High temperature applicable limit switch, Use our replacement parts for safety reliability and performance. Compatible with capillary thermostat automatic sensored switch ROBERTSHAW, Replacement for Adcraft deep Fryer, fit for Vulcan hart, fit for Cecilware , fit for Hobart, compatible with Star Mfg.

燃氣油炸鍋 / 電熱水器液體膨脹毛細管恆溫器

Liquid expansion thermostat is a temperature control device that can adjust the temperature according to the temperature change of the working environment of the fryer/electric water heater. It is also called an adjustable temperature control switch, temperature limiter or temperature controller. Its working principle is to sample and monitor the ambient temperature through a liquid bulb sensor probe.

德國McCormick Thermik S06 120.05 150.05 125.05 電機恒溫器掣

產品系列: ST06電機恒溫掣替代德國麥考密克Thermik S06 S06 120.05 150.05 125.05
電氣參數: 6,3 一個~ 25 一個
聚酯薄膜 – Nomex絕緣紙;

Gold 10x38mm AGU zinc alloy Glass Fuse FOR Car Stereo Fuses

BOJACK 100A Gold Plated Glass Car Audio AGU Fuse for Car/Auto/Marine Audio Stereo Amplifier Power Protection.