probe & cable of thermal resistance sensor
The probe & cableof platinum resistance sensor: stainless steel probe package, thread, magnetic body package, spring top tight, ABS shell, glass fiber and other waterproof protection temperature probes and High temperature wire silicone braided cable, mica wire, glass fiber wire, electronic wire, Teflon wire.
Production of platinum temperature sensor
STT-M series temperature sensors Probe are packaged with magnetic bodies. For paramagnetic metal surfaces, it can be easily sucked to the surface for temperature measurement and can be easily installed and removed. It is suitable for the detection of the key point temperature of large equipment before leaving the factory, and other occasions where the temperature detection point needs to be replaced frequently, so as to improve the efficiency of temperature detection
PT100型 / PT1000 RTD帶過程連接嘅溫度傳感器探頭
China-made PT100/PT1000 platinum thermal resistor temperature sensor. The localization process of PT100/PT1000 platinum thermal resistor temperature sensor is accelerating as the international situation is pressing. It came into being to cooperate with many companies to fully localize platinum thermal resistors.
PTF 30 5mΩ Fuse holder for cylindrical fuses 5x20mm 10A on panel
5x20MM cylindrical Fuses PTF 30 Fuse holder in miniature design; Panel mounting and solder connection; Finger-grip and screwdriver slot equipped fuse carrier with screw socket. This panel mount fuse holder is ideal for mounting through 0.8mm to 2.8mm panel walls, is UL rated at 20 amps at 250 volts and has solder connectors. The finger grip cap holds the 5x20mm glass fuses.