Tamura/NEC SF金屬外殼15A溫度熔斷器
AUPO嘅工作原理 / 田村 / NEC SF熱熔斷器基於材料嘅熱膨脹和導電性能. 當電路中的溫度上升到保險絲的額定觸發溫度時, 保險絲嘅金屬材料會因熱而膨脹. 当呢種膨脹達到一定程度時, 會導致保險絲內部嘅電阻急劇上升.
The TB02 series thermal protector is a miniature thermal protector independently developed and produced by YAXUN, and has won the world record certificate. It is divided into two forms: pure temperature type and overheating and overcurrent dual protection type. It has high reliability and repeatability.
溫度限制控制器SPST掣, 自動重置Snap-Disc恒溫器
China custom Temperature Limit Controller switch: Close on Rise, SPST, 90°F_130°F Closing, 70°F_110°F Opening, 20°F (6UEE1)
Surface mount thermo-disc thermostats close on Rise; Automatic Reset; Switch Opening Temperature70 °F; 110 °F. Switch Closing Temperature 90 °F; 130 °F.
溫度探頭, 溫度傳感器類型 & 應用
溫度探頭係一種用于測量溫度嘅設備, 通常由敏感元件和測量電路組成. 敏感元件可以係熱電偶 (PT100, PT1000系列), A熱敏電阻 (NTC, PTC), 半導體 (DS18B20數字化), 等。, 它可以把溫度變化轉換為電信號. 然後它被放大, 過濾, 轉換, 並由測量電路處理, 最後輸出與溫度成正比嘅電信號.
Temperature Sensor for Electrical Appliances
yaxun has a variety of sensor products already used in home appliances in different scenarios, providing systematic sensor solutions for smart home appliances. These sensors translate temperature into data, enabling precise control and monitoring for applications ranging from industrial processes to smart home devices.
Thermal Fuse Link同Thermal Cutoff Switch嘅區別
一個 “熱熔斷器連結 (易熔合金絲和有機熱熔斷器 )” 本質上係一次過嘅熔斷, 當電路達到特定溫度時永久斷開電路的熱敏元件. 雖然 “熱熔斷掣” 係一種雙金屬帶狀裝置,達到高溫後可能會自行切斷緊, 允許電路喺溫度降至設定點以下時重新連接.
冰箱用Therm-O-Disc微量保險絲G5 / 咖啡機
“Therm-O-Disc熱盤” 熱盤製造G5系列MICROTEMP®熱熔斷器, 專為大電流負載設計, 取決於產品規格, 觸點容量高達AC250V 16A, AC250V 20A同AC120V 25A, 完全通過機構認證UL同CSA.