Showing 85–96 之 286 結果


乜嘢係熱敏掣? 熱敏掣係根據工作環境嘅溫度變化而進行嘅, 產品內部發生物理變形, 自動打開或關閉嘅控制元件, 也稱為溫控開關, 熱保護, 溫度控制器等. 常用嘅溫度控制方法有:


中國定製TO-220熱熔斷掣JUC-31F/ KSD-01F代替Airpax® 6700 系列超小型溫控器. JUC-31F/ KSD-01F符合RoHS標準, 正向捕捉操作, 單極 / 單擲, 超小型雙金屬恆溫器,可在單個設備中提供準確可靠的傳感和開關.


獲得合格嘅Digital Thermostats產品免費送貨服務或立即在線購買IN the Heating, 發洩 & 冷卻事業部. 數字溫度控制器插座, 液晶屏加熱冷卻恒溫器控制器120V, 15一個, °F/°C恒溫器插頭,用于培養箱溫室釀造 ... 由經典嘅圓形錶盘型號到易於使用嘅背光顯示屏, 我們的非可編程恆溫器可讓您輕鬆設置首選溫度.

China’s Temperature Custom Capillary Adjustable Thermostat

The design of the single-stage capillary thermostat is based on the fact that when the temperature of the controlled object changes, the liquid in the temperature sensing part (如圖 5) will change in volume according to the principle of thermal expansion and contraction. 當溫度升高時, the liquid expands and the connected diaphragm box also expands; 相反, 當溫度下降時, the diaphragm box shrinks. This change controls the on-off action of the switch through the lever action, thereby achieving constant temperature control. The YAXUN Capillary Thermostat is a single stage switch that opens on temperature rise between 50°F to 90°F. It can replace the German EGO single-stage capillary thermostat.


森薩塔 / AIRPAX 67F075溫控掣係觸啲感溫卡扣式, 塑料封裝雙金屬溫控器. 外殼係絕緣嘅, 工作性能穩定,壽命長. 產品靈敏可靠, 唔會引起電弧, 易於安裝, 並且無線電干擾較少. 廣泛應用於電路板, 開關電源, 充電器, 鎮流器等領域.

Circuit Breaker Magnetic Hydraulic Delay UL, CE TUV 50 一個, 1 Pole, 250 V, 10 kA

Circuit Breaker Magnetic Hydraulic Delay Designed to handle higher current and voltage applications and qualified, as per agency approval, for branch circuit protection or as a supplementary protector. Marine Circuit Breaker for Boat Trolling with Manual Reset,Water Proof,12V- 48V直流. A range of marine-grade electrical panel boxes, 開關, circuit breaker boxes, shunts, and meters, allowing you to complete your boat's electrical system.

連接 30441 Auto Low Profile Mini Auto Blade保險絲

Connect Consumables 30441 ow profile mini blade (also known as micro blade) 熔斷器, designed to save space and weight for

Cooper Bussmann BS1362 Top Ceramic Fuses for Electric Mains UK Plug

TDC180-1A TDC180-2A TDC180-3A TDC180-5A TDC180-7A TDC180-10A TDC180-13A BS 1362 BS1362 BS 1362 Ceramic Fuses. Cooper Bussmann Electric Socket Plug Top

蠕變動作溫控器, 電機保護器

VA1/VAA1取代咗PEPI蠕變動作恒溫器雙金屬熱保護器,具有更高嘅電流靈敏度: [PEPI蠕變動作恒溫器] VAA1採用雙金屬控制, 內部係一個低電阻電路,帶有鍍金觸點. 恒溫控制設計,體積細. 它適用於電熱毯, 電熱墊及各種需要恒溫功能的小家電.

CSF ITV三端子DC 15A保險絲 – 電池保護器保險絲

表面貼扮CSF三端子保險絲鋰離子電池保護器,旨在防止過流同過充電. 保險絲適用於移動/便攜式


Custom Pico Fuse 125V / 250V 2A Fast Blow Fuse Resistance Type No self-Recovery Fuse for Telecom Communication. Littelfuse PICO Fuses with Leads - Through Hole are available at YAXUN Electronics.


Custom 3AG 6x30mm, 5*20毫米, 10*38mm Clip PCB Mount Fuse Holder 250V Nickel Plated Brass. Along with fuse holders, fuse clips