DS18B20 temperature sensor 1-wire waterproof cable + adapter board set

定製DS18B20傳感器探頭 & 1-電線電纜組件

The DS18B20 sensor communicates using the “1-線” protocol, which means it uses a single data line for all communication with a microcontroller, allowing multiple sensors to be connected on the same line and identified by their unique 64-bit serial code; this single data line is pulled high with a resistor and the sensor transmits data by pulling the line low during specific time slots to send bits of information.


DS18B20 Temperature Sensor Digital Thermometer Probe + 帶導線組嘅端子適配器糢塊


This article explains in detail the application of custom DS18B20 digital temperature sensor in building a digital thermometer. Including working principle, hardware connection, software programming and simulation implementation. Provide complete protues simulation diagram, C source code and result analysis to help readers deeply understand and practice the use of DS18B20.
