25952893 適用於GM Chevrolet GMC溫度傳感器 15-51264 1551264;
27675-1KM1A日產冷氣溫度傳感器恒溫器27675-1FC1A 92200-1FA;
1347010 20927970 用于沃爾沃貨車/巴士/工程機械空氣溫度傳感器;
25952893 適用於GM Chevrolet GMC溫度傳感器 15-51264 1551264;
27675-1KM1A日產冷氣溫度傳感器恒溫器27675-1FC1A 92200-1FA;
1347010 20927970 用于沃爾沃貨車/巴士/工程機械空氣溫度傳感器;
這款密封式數字溫度探頭可透過簡單嘅1-Wire接口喺潮濕環境中精確測量溫度. 防水DS18B20數字溫度傳感器 + 電阻器· 可用溫度範圍: -55 至125°C (-67°F至+257°F) · 9 自 12 位可選分辨率.
溫度傳感器應用於廣泛嘅領域,包括: 工業製造, 汽車應用, 醫療設備, HVAC系統, 食品加工, 環境監測, 研發, 消費電子產品, 同建築基礎設施監控; 基本上係任何需要精確溫度控制或監測以確保安全嘅地方, 效率, 同最佳性能.
●高精度NTC熱敏電阻傳感器 : 溫度. 傳感器提供100KΩ±1%電阻,具有可定製嘅熱敏電阻B值, 確保高達300°C嘅精確溫度測量.
●NTC熱敏電阻傳感器用途廣泛: 暖通冷氣嘅理想選擇, 汽車, 醫療, 以及具有可定製規格嘅工業流程, 使其成為多功能溫度傳感器探頭.
Both NTC temperature sensors (a type of thermistor) and thermal switches are commonly used in rice cookers to precisely monitor and control the cooking temperature of the rice by detecting the heat generated within the inner pot, allowing for consistent cooking results. NTC thermistor can get closer to the inside of rice cooker, reducing the hysteresis quality of temperature measurement.
With the development of social science and technology, food thermometers have been greatly improved. Now the main popular is the probe-type food thermometer, which is not only conducive to hygiene, but also more intuitive to see the measured temperature value. It generally displays the temperature to people in the form of electronic digital display. This unique new generation of probe-type food thermometer has more precise accuracy, reliability and readability. The specifications are designed under strict industry standards, and both commercial and professional requirements are met, especially in cooking, baking, and barbecue.