NTC熱敏電阻2.5歳, 5Ω, 10Ω, 100Ω & 3950, 3435


‌ The resistance range of thermistors is wide, and the resistance of NTC thermistors can range from tens of ohms to ten thousand ohms, and even special devices can be customized according to needs. Commonly used resistance values ​​are 2.5Ω, 5Ω, 10Ω, 等。, and common resistance errors are ±15%, ±20%, ±30%, 等. The resistance range of PTC thermistors is usually from 1KΩ to hundreds of KΩ.


RS485 TTL MODBUS RTU串口遠程採集10K 3950 NTC溫度傳感器


‌Reasonable arrangement of temperature sensors‌: The location and arrangement of temperature sensors will also affect the response time. If the contact area between the sensor and the object being measured is large, the heat exchange will be faster and the response time will naturally be shorter. 然而, please note that too large a contact area may also lead to increased measurement errors, so we have to make a trade-off based on the actual situation.


Wiring of NTC thermistor temperature sensor

Wiring of NTC Thermistor Temperature Sensor

The connection method of the NTC thermistor temperature sensor needs to be determined according to the actual application scenario and measurement requirements. During the wiring process, be sure to pay attention to the pin polarity, wire selection, 溫度範圍, filtering and decoupling, grounding treatment, and verification and calibration to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the measurement.




Q: 你能否更詳細地解釋靈敏度分辨率? 點解值越高越好?
一個: 高靈敏度消除了任何鉛電阻. 它仲簡化埋撐電子設備. 一個 10,000 欧姆热敏電阻改變電阻 4.4% 或 440 溫度變化1°C嗰時嘅歐姆. 一個 100 欧姆鉑傳感器透過以下方式改變電阻 1/3 溫度變化1°C嗰時嘅歐姆.




NTC溫度傳感器係一種熱敏電阻傳感器 (測量溫度範圍: -30°C至+200°C (-22°F至+392°F) 防水探頭). 其電阻值隨溫度變化. NTC公司 (負溫度系數) 表示其電阻值與溫度呈負相關, 噉係, 隨著溫度嘅升高, 阻力值將降低; 相反, 隨著溫度嘅降低, 阻力值將增加. 特性令NTC溫度傳感器非常適合測量溫度.



在現代傳感技術應用中, (NTC公司, PTC, PT100型, 熱電偶, 熱敏電阻, DS18B20, 等. 電纜, 探針套件) 溫度傳感器係關鍵嘅測量工具. 它們廣泛用于工業自動化, 農業監測, 汽車製造及其他領域. 為咗確保溫度傳感器喺潮濕或潮濕嘅環境中能夠穩定可靠地工作, 防水防潮技術
