標籤檔案: 熱敏電阻溫度傳感器
溫度傳感器應用於廣泛嘅領域,包括: 工業製造, 汽車應用, 醫療設備, HVAC系統, 食品加工, 環境監測, 研發, 消費電子產品, 同建築基礎設施監控; 基本上係任何需要精確溫度控制或監測以確保安全嘅地方, 效率, 同最佳性能.
●高精度NTC熱敏電阻傳感器 : 溫度. 傳感器提供100KΩ±1%電阻,具有可定製嘅熱敏電阻B值, 確保高達300°C嘅精確溫度測量.
●NTC熱敏電阻傳感器用途廣泛: 暖通冷氣嘅理想選擇, 汽車, 醫療, 以及具有可定製規格嘅工業流程, 使其成為多功能溫度傳感器探頭.
NTC temperature sensor used in rice cookers
Both NTC temperature sensors (a type of thermistor) and thermal switches are commonly used in rice cookers to precisely monitor and control the cooking temperature of the rice by detecting the heat generated within the inner pot, allowing for consistent cooking results. NTC thermistor can get closer to the inside of rice cooker, reducing the hysteresis quality of temperature measurement.
NTC thermistor temperature sensor used in car batteries
溫度傳感器 ( NTC公司 / 熱電阻 ) 概念, 開發和分類
Development of temperature sensors:
100 Ohm Class A Platinum Element (PT100型)
Temperature Coefficient, α = 0.00385.
304 Stainless Steel Sheath
Rugged Transition Junction with Strain Relief
Probe Length – 6 Inches (152 毫米) 或 12 Inches (305毫米)
Probe Diameter 1/8 inch (3 毫米)
Three Wire 72 Inch (1.8m) Lead Wire Terminating in Spade Lugs
Temperature Rating : 660°F (350°C)
Hydrogen energy refers to the energy released by hydrogen during physical and chemical changes, which can be used for energy storage, power generation, fuel for various vehicles, household fuel, 等. Hydrogen energy is also a secondary energy, green and zero-emission, or energy form.