顆粒爐溫度探頭 304 不鏽鋼NTC 100K


隨著社會科學技術的發展, 食品溫度計有了很大的改進. 現在主要流行的是探針式食物溫度計, 這不僅有利於衛生, 還能更直覺的看到測量的溫度值. 一般以電子數顯的形式向人們顯示溫度. 這款獨特的新一代探針式食品溫度計具有更精確的精度, 可靠性和可讀性. 規格按照嚴格的行業標準設計, 並且滿足商業和專業要求, 尤其是在烹飪方面, 烘焙, 和燒烤.



作為具有NTC晶片設計能力的溫度感測器製造業. 最近幾年, 亞訊將關鍵核心技術牢牢掌握在自己手中, 專注新能源, 電氣火災, 食物溫度計, 高溫烤箱等領域, 並取得了產品創新和市場突破. 高溫感測器領域不斷突破, 開發燒烤用高溫高精度食物探針. 符合國際食品安​​全標準, 極端高溫270℃-310℃測試中仍能正常測量溫度.


3 金屬絲 1 meter PT100, PT1000 temperature sensor kits

Temperature sensor selection for pellet stoves

Thermocouples are a commonly used temperature sensor based on the thermoelectric effect between two different metals. Thermocouples have a wide measurement range and good stability, and are suitable for temperature measurement in high temperature environments. Pellet stoves usually need to measure higher temperatures, so thermocouples are a common choice. Common types of thermocouples include K-type, N-type, and S-type, which can provide accurate temperature measurement in different temperature ranges.
