Temperature sensor refers to a sensor that can sense temperature and convert it into a usable output signal. Temperature sensor is the core part of temperature measuring instruments and there are many varieties. 依測量方法分, it can be divided into two categories: contact type and non-contact type. According to the sensor material and electronic component characteristics, it can be divided into two categories: thermal resistor and thermocouple.

DS18B20溫度感測器1線防水電纜 + 轉接板組

客製化 DS18B20 感測器探頭 & 1-電線電纜組件

DS18B20 感測器使用以下方式進行通訊 “1-金屬絲” 協定, 這意味著它使用一條數據線與微控制器進行所有通信, 允許多個感測器連接在同一條線上並透過其唯一的 64 位元串列程式碼進行識別; 此單一數據線透過電阻器拉高,感測器透過在特定時隙期間拉低線來發送訊息位元來傳輸數據.
