KSD9700系列溫控開關 (高功放截止 & 電池熱保護溫控器) 由高靈敏度雙金屬圓盤組成, 動觸點, 靜接觸, 固定底座, 殼, 耐溫線, ETC. 工作時, 雙金屬盤處於自由狀態, 動觸點和靜觸點閉合, 並且電路已打開.
Metal Thermal Fuse for Limit Temperature Protection
Metal thermal fuse link (thermal cut off ) consists of a sliding contact, 一個春天, and an electrically nonconductive thermal pellet. Before the limit thermal fuse is activated, current flows from the left lead to the sliding contact and through the metal housing to the right lead. Metal Shell Thermal Fuse Cutoff 250VAC 10A Temperature Fuse link TF 72-250℃ (192℃).
Models and Applications of Thermal Cut-Out link Fuse
A thermal fuse is also known as a tmperature fuse, 熱連接, thermal cut-out (總擁有成本), or one shot. It is a temperature sensing circuit cut-off device (China custom metal, 陶瓷製品, square shell thermal fuse). A limitor thermal fuse can sense the overheating generated by abnormal operation of electrical and electronic products, 從而切斷電路,避免火災.
A “熱熔斷絲 (易熔合金絲和有機熱熔絲 )” 本質上是一種一次性熔斷器, 熱敏元件在達到特定溫度時會永久斷開電路. 而一個 “熱切斷開關” 是一種雙金屬片裝置,在達到高溫後可能會自行切斷, 一旦溫度降至設定點以下,讓電路重新連接.
Thermodisc 3/4" 快速開關恆溫器, 雙刀單擲上限
中國製造的 3/4" Snap Disc Limit 溫控器已獲得 UL 認證, 德國萊茵TUV, CQC, 並通過ROHS認證. The Series of 3/4″ (19毫米) 雙金屬盤溫度控制器在多種用途中提供了經過驗證的可靠性, 具成本效益的設計. 240VAC 時可處理高達 20~60 安培的負載. 它可以取代懷特羅傑斯, 艾默生, 老人, 和 Supco Snap Disc Limit 恆溫器.