
Fuses and thermal fuse
(Fuses and thermal fuse Links cable), also known as: Thermal Controller. It is a disposable component connected to the circuit with a very accurate and reliable temperature protection circuit. When the working environment temperature exceeds the rated temperature of the thermal fuse Links cable, the chemical heat-sensitive beans in it will generate high temperature and quickly interrupt the circuit to avoid the harm caused by overheating. After the temperature control fuse is blown, it needs to be manually replaced with a new temperature control fuse to restore the circuit to normal operation.
Temperature-controlled fuses are widely used in: Microwave oven, water dispenser, disinfection cabinet, 電熨斗, toaster, barbecue machine, coffee machine, kettle, dryer, refrigerator, electric water heater and other electrical equipment.

Introduction to Thermal Fuse Links cable
The thermal fuse Links cable has the function of detecting abnormal temperature and cutting off the circuit. It can detect abnormal temperature rises of household or industrial electrical products and quickly and timely cut off the circuit, which can prevent the fire from being unburned.

Temperature control fuse, also known as fuse, is a kind of disposable component connected to the circuit to protect the circuit. When the current on the circuit is too large, the metal wire or chip in it will be heated and fused, resulting in an open circuit and interrupting the current to protect the circuit from being damaged. After the old fuse is blown, the new fuse needs to be replaced manually to restore the circuit to operation.

basic introduction
The temperature fuse is used to melt the melt with the heat generated by itself after the current exceeds the specified value for a period of time, 從而斷開電路;
A current protector made using this principle. Fuses are widely used in high and low voltage power distribution systems and control systems as well as electrical equipment. Thermal fuse Links cable are short-circuit and over-current protectors and are one of the most popular protection devices.

溫度保險絲品牌: 田村 / 田村, 雅寶, 日本電氣公司, 艾默生 / 艾默生, 艾默生, Japan, 松下 / 松下, 星宇, JingKe, 松下

第一的, the design and operation principle of a thermal fuse Links cable

● thermal fuse Links cable has detected abnormal temperature and cut off the circuit function. 可偵測家用或工業電器產品溫度異常升高並快速切斷電路, 可以實現防止未燃燒的火災影響.

● 溫度熔斷器有導線式和徑向引線式兩種. 使用熱粒子 (有機物).

● 安全認證: UL, CSA, VDE, 嬰兒, PSE, 噴射, CQC … 證書, 歐盟ROHS環保指令

● 目前產品: 1A, 2A, 3A, 5A, 10A, 15A, 20A

第二, 各類家電產品的應用; 比如鐵, 吹風機 (吹風機), 烤箱, 直髮, 吸塵器, 電暖器, 電風扇 果汁機, 攪拌機, 電源, 馬達, 印表機, 影印機, 傳真機, HID 鎮流器, 螢光燈鎮流器, 變形金剛, 充電器, 電池組, 加熱器具, 電暖器, 電鍋, 電熱水瓶, 咖啡壺, 換氣扇, 粉絲, 縫紉機, 熱水器, 電源轉換器 , 電源插頭和插座, 冰箱, 空調, 汽車空調, 儀器, 裝置, 過熱保護也是如此.

Customized thermal fuse electronic wire harness

Customized thermal fuse electronic wire harness

High temperature resistant thermal fuse plus Teflon electronic wire

High temperature resistant thermal fuse plus Teflon electronic wire

保險絲盒, 保險絲連接線束

保險絲盒, 保險絲連接線束


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