國際商業銀行 100 20一個~ 100 擴大機串聯 4/8 帶手動復位功能的 AWG 內建斷路器

ICB-100 100 八月擴大機 4/8 AWG 直插式保險絲座內建斷路器,適用於汽車、汽車、船舶、船用音響 ; 極數. 2 ; UPC. 811234015674 097835321592 ; Product Dimensions, ‎8 x 5 x 2 英吋.

ICB100 4-8 任意波形產生器 100 具有手動復位功能的放大器串聯斷路器

ICB100 4-8 任意波形產生器 100 具有手動復位功能的放大器串聯斷路器

絕對ICB-100 80 Amp Agu 保險絲座內建斷路器

絕對ICB-100 80 Amp Agu 保險絲座內建斷路器

Inline Fuse Car Audio Circuit Breaker Manual Reset Fuse Holder For Overload Protection

Inline Fuse Car Audio Circuit Breaker Manual Reset Fuse Holder For Overload Protection

The Absolute 100 Amp Circuit Breaker will work as a substitute to your system’s 100 amp fuse(s). If your amplifier(s) fuses add up to 100 amps in your system, this one is for you.

The best thing about a ICB-100 circuit breaker is once you buy it, it will notblowas is the case with fuses.

With the click of a button, you can reset the circuit (no switching of fuses, ETC。) and your system will be pounding seconds later!

For safety of auto electronics. Prevent currents from being too high and damaging automotive electronic equipment.

物品 Built-in Circuit Breaker for car audio system
類型 Auto Disconnect Manual Reset
Voltages 12電壓24V
Currents 20A 30A 40A 50A 60A 70A 80A 100A 125A 150A
機身材質 ABS
防護等級 智慧財產 67
線規 1~15AWG
工作溫度 -10 到 50 celsius degrees

1. 材料: ABS, 鋅合金
2. 機身尺寸: 3.85”x 1.69x 1.37
3. 額定電壓: 12-24直流電壓
4. 淨重: 80克
5. Suit gauge wire: 1-15 任意波形產生器
6. 環境溫度: -10℃至50℃ (-14F to 122F).
7. 安培額定值: 20A 30A 40A 50A 60A 70A 80A 100A 125A 150A

(輸入功率):125交流/250VAC/32VDC 50-60Hz
(額定分斷能力): 6 倍額定電流
(重置): 手動按壓復位

(測試環境溫度): 25℃±3℃
(200% 額定電流):8-40s” 8-40s” 秒行程
(150% 額定電流): 行程內 1 小時
(100% 額定電流): 抓住,沒有旅行

Manual push button
復位型: Switchable Manual Reset
No need to change fuses
Can be mounted on panels or firewalls

ICB100 4-8 AWG 100 Amp in-line Circuit Breaker DrawingICB100 4-8 任意波形產生器 100 Amp in-line Circuit Breaker Drawing

ICB100 4-8 任意波形產生器 100 Amp in-line Circuit Breaker Drawing

適用於汽車影音系統, 船, 卡車, 公車, 房車的, ATV 絞車及船用及直流音響擴大機系統過載保護

20每盒個數, 100每箱數

出廠前, 直達, 順鉑, C&F, 離岸價

國際快遞, 搭乘飛機, 海運

Warmly Reminder:
1.Please use it under right work temperature, to avoid it is too heat and stop work.
2. Please correctly push the button to avoid damage the Circuit Breaker.


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