Ksd301 S.P.S.T 溫度開關

KSD301溫控器產品 < > KSD301 Series
用法: 用於空調的溫度控制, 飲水機, 電水瓶, 電鋸炊具, 沐浴者, 消毒櫃, 咖啡壺, 電蒸籠及其他電器. 也適用於其他家用電器的過熱保護, 電子儀器, 電子控制櫃, ETC.

The Ksd301 temperature switch is a temperature switch using a bimetal as a temperature sensing element. When the appliance is working normally, 雙金屬片處於自由狀態,觸點處於閉合狀態 / 開啟狀態. 當溫度升至工作溫度值時, the bimetallic element acts quickly due to the internal stress generated by the heat, 開幕 / closing the contacts, and cutting / 連接電路, thereby providing thermal protection. 當溫度降至復位溫度時, the contact will be closed / opened automatically and the normal working state will be restored. Widely used in household appliances motors and electrical appliances, 例如洗衣機電機, air-conditioning fan motors, 變形金剛, 鎮流器, 電暖器具, ETC.

● KSD301 series Temperature Switches technical parameters
⑴ 電氣參數: 1) CQC, VDE, UL, 市電AC250V 50 ~60Hz 5A / 10A / 15A (阻斷性負載)
2) UL AC125V 50Hz 15A (阻斷性負載)
⑵工作溫度範圍: 0-300 ℃ (選修的), 溫度精度: ± 2 ± 3 ± 5 ± 10 ℃
⑶ 恢復與動作溫度差: 8 ~ 100 ℃ (選修的)
⑷ 連線方式: 插頭端子 250 # (彎曲 0 ~ 90 ° 可選); 插頭端子 187 # (彎曲 0 ~ 90 ° 可選, 厚度0.5、0.8mm可選)
⑸ 生活: ≥ 100,000 次
⑹ 電氣強度: 交流50Hz 1800V持續1min, 無閃爍, 沒有故障
⑺ 接觸電阻: ≤50mΩ
⑻ 絕緣電阻: ≥100MΩ
⑼ 聯繫表:
常閉: 溫升, 聯絡人打開, 溫度下降, 觸點已連接;
常開型: 溫升, 觸點已連接, 溫度下降, 聯絡人打開
⑽外殼防護等級: 防護等級00
安裝: KSD301系列安裝普通活動環, 環裝小圓活動, 平板活動環安裝, 附安裝孔 一般大鋁蓋 附安裝孔 加長鋁蓋.

● KSD301 series Temperature Switches competitive advantage
⑴ 性能穩定
⑵ 精度高
⑶體積小, 輕的
⑷ 高可靠性, 長壽
⑸ 小收音機乾憂

KSD301 Temperature Switches dimension drawing

KSD301 Temperature Switches dimension drawing

Widely used in: ⑴ KSD301 series Temperature Switches applications Sterilizer ,
⑵ dishwasher,
⑶ dryer,
⑷ microwave,
⑸ water dispenser,
⑹ electric kettle,
⑺ office equipment,
⑻ coffee maker,
⑼ sandwich toaster,
⑽ car seat heaters, automobile antifreeze, electric cooker, refrigerator, air conditioner, laminator and other electric appliances.
● KSD301 series thermostat Caution
⑴ grounding: The thermostat metal cover is connected to the equipment grounding metal parts.
⑵ when using a contact temperature installation should be closely aligns the charged surface of the metal lid of the appliance mounting surface to ensure that the temperature effect. should be coated with thermal grease or other similar performance thermal media in surface temperature.
⑶ installation can not cover the top surface collapsed, loose or deformed, 以免影響效能.
⑷ not allow the liquid to penetrate the internal temperature, not cause the shell cracks, not free to change the shape of the external terminals.
⑸ product is not greater than 5A current in the circuit, should be selected cross-section of 0.5 5-1㎜2 copper core wire connection; not more than 10A current in the circuit, should be selected cross-section of copper conductor wire connection 0.75-1.5㎜2 .
⑹ products should be less than 90% 相對濕度, 環境溫度低於 40 ℃ 通風, 乾淨的, 乾燥, 倉庫內存放非腐蝕性氣體.
⑺ use can not bend terminals, otherwise it will affect the reliability of the electrical connection.
● KSD301 series Temperature Switches dimension drawing


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