Models and Applications of Thermal Cut-Out link Fuse

A thermal fuse is also known as a tmperature fuse, 熱連接, thermal cut-out (總擁有成本), or one shot. It is a temperature sensing circuit cut-off device (China custom metal, 陶瓷製品, square shell thermal fuse). A limitor thermal fuse can sense the overheating generated by abnormal operation of electrical and electronic products, 從而切斷電路,避免火災.

What is a thermal fuse?
A thermal fuse is also known as a tmperature fuse, 熱連接, thermal cut-out (總擁有成本), or one shot. It is a temperature sensing circuit cut-off device (China custom metal, 陶瓷製品, square shell thermal fuse). A limitor thermal fuse can sense the overheating generated by abnormal operation of electrical and electronic products, 從而切斷電路,避免火災.

10A 250V Circuit Cut Off Temperature Thermal Fuse Assortment Kit - 100℃ to 280℃

10A 250V Circuit Cut Off Temperature Thermal Fuse Assortment Kit – 100℃ to 280℃

3392519 Dryer Thermal Fuse Part - Kenmore Dryer Thermal Fuse Fit

3392519 Dryer Thermal Fuse PartKenmore Dryer Thermal Fuse Fit

Whirlpool Kenmore - Replaces AP6008325 3388651 694511 80005 WP3392519VP

Whirlpool KenmoreReplaces AP6008325 3388651 694511 80005 WP3392519VP

A limitor thermal cut-out fuse functions as a safety device that automatically interrupts an electrical circuit when the temperature reaches a predetermined threshold, essentially acting as aheat-activated circuit breakerto prevent overheating and potential fire hazards in appliances or equipment by cutting off power when excessive heat is detected; it’s primarily used in devices like hairdryers, Dryer, 咖啡機, and electric motors where overheating could occur due to malfunctioning components.

Key points about thermal fuses:
When the temperature around the thermal fuse exceeds its rated temperature, a special fusible material inside melts or breaks, causing the circuit to open and stopping the flow of electricity.

Unlike regular fuses, a thermal fuse cannot be reset once it has tripped and needs to be replaced if overheating occurs.

Its structure and working principle:
It consists of a sliding contact , 一個春天, and a electrically nonconductive thermalpellet. Before the thermal fuse is activated, 電流從左引線流向動觸頭 (滑動接觸), 並透過金屬殼流向右側引線. 當外界溫度達到預定溫度時, the fusible element melts and the compression spring becomes loose. 那是, 彈簧膨脹, and the sliding contact separates from the left lead. 電路已開啟, and the current between the sliding contact and the left lead is cut off.

Temperature-sensitive only:
Unlike a standard circuit breaker, a thermal fuse only responds to temperature changes, not current surges.
家用設備: Hairdryers, 烤麵包機, electric blankets, 變形金剛, Electric motors, Electric fans, Hair dryers, 電熨斗, Rice cookers, Copiers, 電爐, Chargers, power taps, Water dispensers, Coffee makers etc.
Motor applications: Electric motors in appliances and machinery
Industrial equipment: 變形金剛, heating elements, 電動工具.

Models and Applications of Thermal Cut-Out link Fuse

Models and Applications of Thermal Cut-Out link Fuse

216℃ 10A 15A Circuit Cut Off Temperature Ceramic Thermal Cutoffs Fuse

216℃ 10A 15A Circuit Cut Off Temperature Ceramic Thermal Cutoffs Fuse

New RH Aupo Thermal Fuse Cutoff Double Lead Temperature Control Thermal Fuse 250V A 2A 3A 5A 250V Black

New RH Aupo Thermal Fuse Cutoff Double Lead Temperature Control Thermal Fuse 250V A 2A 3A 5A 250V Black


物品 熱熔斷器, 熱熔斷器, 熱連接
緊身衣這麼多 金屬
帶領他 1毫米
引線長度 見表 3
電流額定值 1510A 20A @250VAC
安裝類型 軸向引線
他的身體 4毫米
體長 14.7毫米
認證證書 UL VDE

Thermal fuse models and cut-off temperature table:

轉爐溫度℃ G4A G5A
溫度℃ 溫度℃ 溫度℃ 溫度℃
72 57 100 57 410
73 58 100 58 410
77 62 300 62 410
84 69 220 69 220
91 76 300 76 430
93 78 300 78 410
98 83 300 83 410
104 89 200 89 225
110 95 240 95 225
117 102 240 102 410
121 106 300 106 410
125 110 185 110 235
128 113 205 113 235
134 119 205 119 410
141 126 205 126 350
144 129 300 129 410
152 137 205 137 410
158 143 240 143 410
167 152 210 152 410
172 157 310 157 410
184 169 240 169 410
190 175 350 175 410
192 177 210 177 350
205 190 310 190 410
216 200 450 200 410
229 200 450 200 410
240 200 450 200 410
257 220 470


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