PCB-雙金屬片溫控器 TO-220 熱切斷開關
China Custom Inch Hi-Amp 2A~7.5Amp 1/2 TO-220 PCB Disc Thermostat Brand (聚UC 31F, 6700, 67F070, 凱斯達-01F) Choice and Price Advantage. Global high current ST01 B U6 TO-220 Thermal Cutoff Switch certifications include: UL, 嗜中性球, CQC, 德國萊茵TUV, CB.
China Custom Hi-Amp 2A~7.5Amp 1/2 Inch TO-220 PCB Disc Thermostat Brand (聚UC 31F, 6700, 67F070, 凱斯達-01F) Choice and Price Advantage. TO-220 PCB Thermal Cutoff Switch are subminiature bimetal thermostats that can be mounted on a PCB. They can be used for a variety of applications, 包括: Heat-sink sensing, Power component monitoring, 電源, and Air-sensing on PCBs.
Here are some examples of TO-220 PCB Thermal Cutoff Switch thermostats:
JUC 31F/ 6700 系列: A lead-free, SPST Thermal Cutoff Switch thermostat with an operating range of 104º F to 266º F;
凱斯達-01F: A normally closed thermal switch that opens at 203º F;
JUC 31F Series: A RoHs compliant, snap action SPST bimetallic Temperature Control Switch;
67L090: A subminiature PCB mount Thermal Control Switc thermostat that closes on rise 90C.
China Custom Low TEMPERATURE TO-220 Disc Thermostat AS LOW AS 0C (32F). The JUC-31F series is a RoHs compliant, 速動 SPST 雙金屬恆溫器,在單一設備中提供精確的感測功能.
The 67F070, 凱斯達-01F Series confirms to IEP standards Y220/TO220. 因此,它們可以在拾取/放置應用中自動放置和焊接, ideal for printed circuit boards Factory calibrated 0C-130C in 5C increments.
This bimetal discThermal Cutoff Switch is designed for surface or air sensing for printed circuits and heat sinks and is available in normally open or normally closed configuration. 其他功能包括:
Temperature range 0C – 155 C
符合歐盟指令 2002/95/EC Rohs, UL, 德國萊茵TUV, UL
100K 循環評級
TO-220 PCB Disc Thermostat Applications
TO-220 PCB Disc Thermostat Main parts
1) 陶瓷蓋板 2) 固定銀觸點 3) 彈簧光盤 4) 可移動接觸 5) 導電外殼 6) 雙光盤
TO-220 PCB Disc Thermostat Construction
固定銀觸點用陶瓷蓋板鉚接. 可移動的接觸焊接到彈簧盤, 呈十字形, 四英尺連接到住房的底部. 雙圓盤的內孔通過可移動的接觸放置在彈簧盤上. 當前通過固定銀接觸到可移動的接觸, 然後通過彈簧光盤連接導電殼以形成循環.
TO-220 PCB Disc Thermostat Function
當電路正常時, 可移動的接觸是在彈簧盤的預壓下與固定銀接觸密切接觸. 當達到額定工作溫度時, 雙圓盤被熱變形, 將其倒入其倒置,將彈簧盤向下推. 觸點突然打開,要保護的設備的溫度升高被破壞.
電路斷開連接後, 環境溫度開始下降. 當達到定義的重置溫度時, 雙光盤和彈簧光盤縮回其開始位置, the movable contact and the stationary silver contact will close again, 電路返回傳導狀態.
TO-220 PCB Disc Thermostat PARAMETER
標稱開關溫度 (新標準) 5℃時 : 60 ℃ – 180 ℃
寬容 (標準): ±5K
反向開關溫度 (快速恢復時間) 寬容: ≥ 35 ℃ (≤ 80°C NST)
-30K±15K (≥ 85°C ≤ 180°C NST) :Thickness 5.6mm /Diameter 9.8mm
絕緣帽長度: 18.3毫米
適合防護等級安裝: 我+我
標準連接 :0.33 平方毫米 / AWG22
絕緣電壓:1.5 電壓
工作電壓範圍 AC/DC:直到 500 交流電壓 / 14 直流電壓
額定電壓交流:250 V(VDE) ,277 V(UL)
額定電流交流 cos ψ = 1.0 /週期: 2.5A / 10,000
最大限度. 開關電流 AC cos Φ = 1.0 /週期: 6.3 A / 3,000, 7.5 A / 300
額定電流交流 cos ψ = 0.6 /週期:1.6 A / 10,000
額定電壓直流: 12.0 V
最大限度. 開關電流 DC/週期: 40.0 A / 5,000
總彈跳時間:< 1 多發性硬化症
接觸電阻: ≤ 50 毫歐
抗振性 10 … 60 赫茲:100 米/秒²
可用的批准: UL/TUV/CQC/CB
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