
1-wire digital temperature sensors are fairly precise (在大部分範圍內 ±0.5°C) 並且可以放棄 12 板載數位類比轉換器的精度位數. The field temperature is directly transmitted by the “單線總線” digital method, which is suitable for field temperature measurement in harsh environments.

arduino, raspberry pi-dallas-sonoff esp8266-one wire DS18B20 temp sensor module probe kit.
DS18B20 is a commonly used digital temperature sensor probe (arduino, raspberry pi, multiple esp8266 DS18B20). 它的輸出是數位訊號, 具有體積小等特點, 硬體開銷低, 抗干擾能力強、精度高.
The DS18B20 digital temperature sensor is easy to wire and can be used in a variety of situations after being packaged. Such as pipe type, 螺紋型, 磁鐵吸附式, 不銹鋼封裝類型, 各種型號, 包括 LTM8877, LTM8874等.
其外觀主要根據應用而變化. 封裝的DS18B20可用於電纜溫度測量, 高爐水循環溫度測量, 鍋爐溫度測量, computer room temperature measurement, 農業溫室溫度測量, 潔淨室溫度測量, 彈藥庫測溫等非極限溫度場合. 耐磨、耐衝擊, 尺寸小, 方便使用, 具有多種包裝形式, 適用於各種狹小空間設備的數位溫度測量與控制.

DS18B20 1 米 /3.2 英尺數字溫度電纜防水探針傳感器-55°C至 +125°C

DS18B20 1 米 /3.2 英尺數字溫度電纜防水探針傳感器-55°C至 +125°C

DS18B20 Temperature Sensor Temperature Probe Stainless Steel Package Waterproof 1M

DS18B20 Temperature Sensor Temperature Probe Stainless Steel Package Waterproof 1M

DS18B20 digital temperature sensor delivers accurate readings within a measurement range of -55°C to +125°C

DS18B20 digital temperature sensor delivers accurate readings within a measurement range of -55°C to +125°C

How the DS18B20 temperature sensor works
The reading and writing timing and temperature measurement principle of DS18B20 are the same as that of DS1820, except that the number of digits in the temperature value obtained differs due to different resolutions. And the delay time during temperature conversion is reduced from 2s to 750ms. The temperature measurement principle of DS18B20 is shown in Figure 3. The oscillation frequency of the low temperature coefficient crystal oscillator in the figure is very little affected by temperature, and is used to generate a fixed frequency pulse signal and send it to counter 1. The oscillation frequency of the high temperature coefficient crystal oscillator changes significantly with temperature changes, 產生的訊號作為計數器的脈衝輸入 2. 櫃檯 1 溫度暫存器預設為-55°C對應的基值. 櫃檯 1 對低溫度係數晶振產生的脈衝訊號進行倒數計時. 當計數器的預設值 1 減少到 0, 溫度暫存器的值將增加 1, 計數器預設值 1 將被重新加載, 和櫃檯 1 將重新開始對低溫度係數晶體振盪器產生的脈衝訊號進行計數. 這個循環一直持續到計數器 2 計數到 0, 然後停止累加溫度暫存器值. 此時, 溫度暫存器中的值是測量的溫度. The slope accumulator is used to compensate and correct the nonlinearity in the temperature measurement process, 其輸出用於校正計數器的預設值 1.

Technical performance of DS18B20 temperature sensor
1. 技術性能說明:
①. 獨特的單線介面方式. 當DS18B20連接到微處理器時, 只需一條連接埠線即可實現微處理器與DS18B20之間的雙向通訊.
②. Temperature measurement range -55℃~+125℃, inherent temperature measurement error (note, not resolution, it was wrong before) 1℃.
③. Support multi-point networking function, multiple DS18B20 can be connected in parallel on the only three lines. Only up to 8 can be connected in parallel to achieve multi-point temperature measurement. If there are too many, the power supply voltage will be too low, resulting in unstable signal transmission.
④. Working power supply: 3.0~5.5V/DC (data line parasitic power supply can be used)
⑤. No external components are required during use.
⑥. The measurement results are transmitted serially in the form of 9~12-digit digital quantities.
⑦, Stainless steel protection tube diameter Φ6
⑧ Suitable for temperature measurement of DN15~25, DN40~DN250 various medium industrial pipelines and narrow space equipment
. 標準安裝螺紋M10X1, M12X1.5, G1/2” optional
, PVC cable outlet directly or German ball junction box outlet, easy to connect with other electrical equipment.
DS18B20+ and Maxim Integrated information
Manufactured by Maxim Integrated, DS18B20+ is a temperature sensor.

Wiring method of DS18B20 sensor
The DS18B20 component faces the flat side, with negative left and positive right. Once connected incorrectly, it will become hot immediately and may burn! 同時, reverse connection is also the reason why the sensor always displays 85°C. In actual operation, if the positive and negative connections are reversed, the sensor will heat up immediately and the LCD screen will not be able to display the reading. After the positive and negative are connected, it shows 85℃. 另外, if a 51 microcontroller is used, the middle pin must be connected to a 4.7K-10K pull-up resistor. 否則, because the high level cannot be input/output normally, it will either display 85°C immediately after powering on, or the temperature will jump randomly between 85°C and the normal value after a few months of use.
DS18B20 sensor wiring harness features
The unique one-line interface requires only one port line for communication and multi-point capabilities, simplifying distributed temperature sensing applications. No external components required Data bus power available, 電壓範圍 3.0 V to 5.5 V No backup power required Measured over temperature range -55°C to +125°C. The Fahrenheit equivalent is -67°F to 257°F. Accuracy ±0.5°C over temperature range -10°C to +85°C
The programmable resolution of the temperature sensor is 9~12 bits. Temperature conversion to 12-bit digital format maximum 750 多發性硬化症, user-definable non-volatile temperature alarm settings. Applications include thermostatic controls, 工業系統, consumer electronics thermometers, or any heat-sensitive system. Description The DS18B20 digital thermometer provides 9 到 12 digit (programmable device temperature readings). Since the DS18B20 communicates via a serial port line, there is only one serial port line connection between the central microprocessor and the DS18B20. For reading, writing and temperature conversion, energy can be obtained from the data line itself and does not require an external power supply. Because each DS18B20 contains a unique serial number, multiple DS18B20s can exist on the same bus at the same time. This allows temperature sensors to be placed in many different places. It has many uses, including air conditioning environment control, sensing the temperature inside buildings or machines, and for process monitoring and control.
DS18B20 uses a first-line communication interface. Because of the first-line communication interface, ROM settings must be completed first, otherwise the memory and control functions will not be available. Mainly first provide one of the following function commands: 1) 讀取ROM, 2) ROM match, 3) 搜尋ROM, 4) 跳過ROM, 5) Alarm check. These instructions operate on the 64-bit photolithography ROM serial number of a device, and can select a certain device among multiple devices hanging on a line. 同時, the bus can also know how many and what kinds of devices are on the bus.
If the command successfully causes the DS18B20 to complete the temperature measurement, the data is stored in the memory of the DS18B20. A control function directs the DS18B20 to perform temperature measurement. The measurement results will be placed in the DS18B20 memory and can be read by issuing memory functions commanded to read the contents of the on-chip memory. The temperature alarm triggers TH and TL have one byte of EEPROM data. If the DS18B20 does not use alarm check instructions, these registers can be used for general user memory purposes. On-chip also contains configuration bytes ideal for solving temperature-to-digital conversions. Writing TH, TL instructions and configuration bytes is completed using a memory function instruction. Read the register through the buffer. All data is read and written starting from the lowest bit.
Components of DS18B20 sensor:
DS18B20 memory
The memory of DS18B20 includes cache RAM and electrically erasable RAM. The electrically erasable RAM also includes temperature triggers TH and TL, and a configuration register. The memory can completely determine the communication of the first line port. Numbers are initially written into the register using the write register command, and then the numbers can be confirmed using the read register command. When confirmed, the copy register command can be used to transfer these numbers to electrically erasable RAM. This process ensures the integrity of the numbers when the numbers in the registers are modified.
The scratchpad RAM is composed of 8 bytes of memory;. The ninth byte can be read using the read register command. This byte is used to verify the previous eight bytes.
64-bit photolithographic ROM for DS18B20:
首先 8 bits of the 64-bit photolithography ROM are the DS18B20’s own code, the next 48 bits are continuous digital codes, and the last 8 bits are the CRC check for the first 56 位元. The 64-bit photolithography ROM includes 5 ROM function commands: read ROM, match ROM, jump ROM, search ROM and alarm search.
DS18B20 external power supply connection:
DS18B20 can use the external power supply VDD or the internal parasitic power supply. When the VDD port is connected to a voltage of 3.0V-5.5V, an external power supply is used. Internal parasitic power is used when the VDD port is grounded. Whether it is an internal parasitic power supply or an external power supply, the I/O port line must be connected to a pull-up resistor of about 5KΩ.
Configuration register of DS18B20:
The configuration register configures different bits to determine temperature and digital conversion.
It can be known that R1 and R0 are the determining bits of temperature. Different combinations of R1 and R0 can be configured as 9-digit, 10-digit, 11-digit, or 12-digit temperature display. 這樣, the conversion times corresponding to different temperature conversion positions can be known. The resolutions of the four configurations are 0.5°C, 0.25℃, 0.125°C and 0.0625°C respectively, and are configured as 12 出廠時的位.
Temperature reading of DS18B20:
The DS18B20 is configured as 12-bit when shipped from the factory. When reading the temperature, a total of 16 bits are read, and the first 5 bits are sign bits. When the first five bits are 1, the temperature read is a negative number. When the first five bits are 0, the temperature read is a positive number. The reading method when the temperature is positive is to convert the hexadecimal number into decimal. When the temperature is negative, the reading method is: invert the hexadecimal system, add 1, and then convert it to decimal system. 例子: 0550H = +85 度, FC90H = -55 度.


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