
作為具有NTC晶片設計能力的溫度感測器製造業. 最近幾年, 亞訊將關鍵核心技術牢牢掌握在自己手中, 專注新能源, 電氣火災, 食物溫度計, 高溫烤箱等領域, 並取得了產品創新和市場突破. 高溫感測器領域不斷突破, 開發燒烤用高溫高精度食物探針. 符合國際食品安​​全標準, 極端高溫270℃-310℃測試中仍能正常測量溫度.



7 溫度感測器在電動車的應用

EV temperature sensor kit includes: In addition to electric vehicle battery pack temperature sensors, motor temperature sensors; inverter temperature sensors; charger handle, port and high-voltage connector temperature sensors; thermal management system temperature sensors; cabin temperature sensors; hood temperature sensors.


Choosing the Right Probe for Temperature Sensing

How to select the correct thermistor for a temperature sensor?

When faced with thousands of NTC thermistor types, choosing the right one can be quite overwhelming. In this technical article, I will walk you through some of the important parameters to keep in mind when selecting a thermistor. This is especially true when deciding between the two common types of thermistors used for temperature sensing: negative temperature coefficient NTC thermistors or silicon-based linear thermistors.
