双金属热保护器常开温控开关 KSD9700 / 关

定制小尺寸双金属热保护器流程 NO / 数控 (KSD9700 / Seki 温度控制开关 塑料, 双金属; 额定电压 : 250V; 当前的 : 5A~25安培 ; ).
①: 与客户讨论需求 (控制热截止温度点, 动作模式 (手动和自动复位), 复位温度, 安装方式及尺寸);

定制小尺寸双金属热保护器流程 NO / 数控 (KSD9700 / Seki 温度控制开关 塑料, 双金属; 额定电压 : 250V; 当前的 : 5A~25安培 ; ).

定制-20~280℃ Hi-Amp温度限制器 小尺寸热保护器开关

定制-20~280℃ Hi-Amp温度限制器 小尺寸热保护器开关

Uxcell KSD9700 Thermostat 55℃ N.C 10A Metal Bimetal Temperature Control Switch

Uxcell KSD9700 Thermostat 55℃ N.C 10A Metal Bimetal Temperature Control Switch

双金属热保护器常开温控开关250V 40-100℃

双金属热保护器常开温控开关250V 40-100℃

Bimetal Thermal Protector is a temperature control switch that uses bimetal as a temperature sensing element. 当设备正常工作时, the bimetal strip is in a free state and the contacts are in a connected state. When the temperature rises to the operating temperature point, the bimetal element is heated to generate internal stress and quickly operates, opening the contacts and cutting off/connecting the circuit, 从而起到热保护作用. 当环境温度降至保护器复位温度时, 触点将再次闭合以连接电路.

产品名称 : Temperature Control Switch;
模型. 不 : KSD9700;
材料 : Plastic, 双金属
接触 : 数控(常闭);
额定电压 : 250V;
当前的 : 5A~25安培
Max Rated Disconnection Temperature : 70C;
颜色 : Silver Tone, 黑色的
电缆长度 : 6.5cm/ 2.6″;
头部尺寸 : 20 x 8 x 3mm / 0.79″ x 0.31x 0.12″(L*W*T)

商品名称: KSD9700 Thermal Switch, 双金属温控器, Thermal Protector 零件编号: 体重,KSD9700, 关
额定电压: 250V 电流额定值: 5A 8A 10A
Tf: 45~160 Degree 安装类型: 径向引线
生活: 6000 周期 案例类型: Metal Or Plastic
Case Dimension: 20.3×7.4×3.7mm 20.5x8x4mm 引线长度: 定制
Lead Gauge: 18任意波形发生器 UL 认证: 是的
符合 RoHS 标准: 是的 无卤素: 是的
MPQ: 100件 起订量: 1000件
强调: 5A, 8A, 10Amp~45 Amp UL Thermal Protector Switch, Bimetal Temperature Control Switch

I’m looking KSD9700 temperature switches and came across this type which warns against shorts and instructs you to use a provided plastic sleeve to prevent this.

I’d like to understand exactly what could short to what. I wouldn’t have thought that the outer metal shell would be conductive to the leads, but is that actually what this warning is about? If not, what are they warning against? YES

Aside from the risk of a short causing a problem, I would ideally want the metal case to be directly on the object whose temperature is being measured for the fastest response without any insulating effect of the plastic.

Process of Custom Thermal Protector NO / 数控 (KSD9700 / 关) Temperature Control Switch
①: 与客户讨论需求 (控制热截止温度点, 动作模式 (手动和自动复位), 复位温度, 安装方式及尺寸);
②: Submit preliminary plan for feasibility analysis of customer request;
③: Financial accounting cost;
④: Technical preparation experiment and design simulation;
⑤: Procurement investigation of various material costs;
⑥: Production knows product processing flow and staffing;
⑦: Quality evaluation and inspection process;


商品名称: 热敏开关, 双金属片温控器, 热保护器
Normal State: Normally-closed / Normally-open
额定电压: 250V 和
电流额定值: 5A 8A 10A
Electric Intensity: >800V
接触电阻: <30毫欧
绝缘电阻: >100兆欧姆
响应速度: ≦1℃/min
生命周期: >6000(阻性负载)
宽容: ±5℃
线材规格: 22任意波形发生器, 180℃, 600V, 有害物质限制指令, 黑色的, customized length
动作温度 复位温度 A作用温度 复位温度
30±4 20就这样 105±5 70±15
35±4 25就这样 110±5 75±15
40±5 25±10 115±5 75±15
45±5 30±10 120±5 80±15
50±5 35±10 125±5 85±15
55±5 35±10 130±5 90±15
60±5 40±10 135±5 90±15
65±5 45±12 140±5 100±15
70±5 45±15 145±5 105±15
75±5 50±15 150±5 105±15
80±5 55±15 155±5 110±15
85±5 55±15


90±5 60±15
95±5 65±15
100±5 70±15

What’s the difference between N/C and N/O
常闭: When the temperature falls to the reset temperature, the thermostat contact can be connected again.
常开: When the temperature falls to the reset temperature, the thermostat contact can be disconnected again.

KSD9700 Seki Temperature Control Switch Dimension & 结构

KSD9700 Seki Temperature Control Switch Dimension & 结构


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