德国麦考密克Thermik S06 120.05 150.05 125.05 电机温控器开关

产品系列: ST06电机温控开关替代德国麦考密克Thermik S06 S06 120.05 150.05 125.05
电气参数: 6,3 一个~ 25 A
聚酯薄膜 – 诺梅克斯绝缘纸;

产品系列: ST06电机温控开关替代德国麦考密克Thermik S06 S06 120.05 150.05 125.05
电气参数: 6,3 一个~ 25 A
聚酯薄膜 – 诺梅克斯绝缘纸;

Thermik thermal protector type S06 - 4A to 25 Amp nc

Thermik thermal protector type S06 – 4A to 25 Amp nc

替代Thermik S01 s05 s06按钮式热开关

替代Thermik S01 s05 s06按钮式热开关

热感S06 120.05 150.05 125.05 电机温控器开关

热感S06 120.05 150.05 125.05 电机温控器开关

Main components of ST06 U1 thermal protector:

1) Ceramic cover 2) Static contact 3) Riveted shaft pin 4) Bimetallic strip 5) Pot 6) Moving contact 7) 壳

Connection structure
The static contact and ceramic cover are riveted together;
The moving contact, bimetallic strip and pot are riveted together through the shaft pin;
The moving contact is in close contact with the static contact under the pre-pressure of the pot; The current passes through the static contact and the moving contact to form a circuit.

When the circuit is working normally, the moving contact and the static contact are in a closed state. When the temperature rises to the operating temperature, the bimetallic strip is deformed by the heat and quickly flips over, and moves downward with the pot piece through the riveted shaft pin, so that the moving contact piece and the static contact are separated and the circuit is cut off. 电路切断后, the ambient temperature begins to drop. When it drops to the reset temperature, the bimetallic strip automatically flips back to the initial state, and the pot piece also rebounds to the initial state, so that the moving contact piece and the static contact are reconnected, and the circuit returns to normal working state.

S06 Thermik motor thermostat switch is applicable to Electric equipment, Small motor, 变形金刚, Lighting, electric product, household appliance, the protection of temperature control, thermal overload in circuit board, Communication power supply , switching power supply,UPS power supply, medical power supply, fire power ,the module power supply ,audio amplifier equipment, various types of rechargeable devieces, rectifiers, inverters, welding equipment ,aerospace instrumentation electronic equipment , automation equipment ,军队, Commercial product temperature control or temperature protection.

S06Imported series temperature protectionTechnical parameters:
额定电压:50 / 60赫兹, 250V, 交流电
额定电流:2.5 (1.6) A / 10 (6.3) A COS phi = 1.0 (0.6)
Rated disconnect temperature range:60~ 200Each5For a file
Reset temperature range: Disconnect the temperature is below30 15K

thermik S01 s05 s06 button type thermal switch Dimensions

thermik S01 s05 s06 button type thermal switch Dimensions

模型 S01 S06
Contact types Normally closed/Normally open Normally closed/Normally open
额定开关温度 (新标准) Each5A 35℃-200℃ 35℃-200℃
Standard Tolerances 5K 5K
Reset temperature range 30K 15K 30K 15K
Applying a voltage…交流电… /直流 … 500V ~ / … 100V ~ = … 500V ~ / … 100V ~ =
额定电压, 交流电 250V 500V 250V 500V
额定电流, ACCOS = 1.0 2.5A 0.75A 10.0A 3.5A
额定电流, ACCOS = 0.6 1.6A 0.50A 6.3A 2.0A
InInAndUnWhen switching times 10.000 10.000
Maximum switching current250V ~ /Switching times 5.0A / 2000 25A / 2000
接触弹跳时间 <1多发性硬化症 <1多发性硬化症
接触电阻(ReferenceMIL-Stand, R5757) <50米 <50米
Immersion resistance(According toThermikTest) Suit Suit
Seismic capacity10-60Hz 100米 / s2 100米 / s2
防护等级 1 1
标准连接 Lead0.25mm2 Lead0.75mm2
Diameterd (There is/Without insulating sleeve) 9.4 / 9.0毫米 9.8 / 9.3毫米
Heighth (There is/Without insulating sleeve) 4.8 / 4.3毫米 7.5 / 7.2毫米
Insulating sleeve length 16毫米 18


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