Ksd9700 温控器 N.C 5A / 10双金属片温控开关

KSD-9700系列5A, 10A, 16A, 20A, 25A, 40A, AC 250V 50~60Hz 恒温热保护器动作开关由碟形高灵敏双金属元件组成, 活动接触头, 静触头, 底板, 外壳, 耐热铅等.

KSD-9700系列5A, 10A, 16A, 20A, 25A, 40A, AC 250V 50~60Hz 恒温热保护器动作开关由碟形高灵敏双金属元件组成, 活动接触头, 静触头, 底板, 外壳, 耐热铅等. 电器正常工作时双金属片处于自由状态,触点闭合. 当环境温度升高到预设工作温度时, 当双金属盘受热变形跳动时,触点打开, 然后切断电路以控制温度。当电器冷却到复位温度时,触点自动闭合以接通电路. The bimetallic element restores to its primary state and contact point is closed . The electric appliance restores its work. The product has many advantages such as small in resistor, puick in temperature feeling, fast in action. Safe and reliable. compact and so on. This product is widely used in home appliance’s motor and electrical equipment, such as air conditioner motor, 变压器, 热力器具, ETC.



KSD9700 5A 10A 250V 热熔断温控器

KSD9700 5A 10A 250V 热熔断温控器

KSD9700 Temperature Switch 5A 250V N.O. 北卡罗来纳州

KSD9700 Temperature Switch 5A 250V N.O. 北卡罗来纳州

额定电压: AC 250V 50~60Hz
额定电流: 5A, 10A, 16A, 20A, 25A, 40A of Resistive Load
Switch Type and Number of poles: 1 pole opener
IP-Protection Degree: 防护等级00
动作类型: 1A
Operation Cycles: 10000 cycle
Insulation material PTI value : 175V
Resistance of Contact: ≤ 50mΩ (original state)
Resistance of Insulated : >100兆欧姆(DC500V normality)
Test Voltage : ≥ 1250V/1min(nomality)
1 或者 2 Temperature Control Switch
模型 : KSD9700
材料 : 金属外壳
接触 : 数控(Normal Closed)/不(Normal Open)
温度 : 15°C~155°C
额定功率 : 250V 5A
Lead Wire Length : 7.3厘米 / 2.9″
头部尺寸 : 20 x 7.5 x 3.5mm/0.78x 0.3x 0.14″(L*W*T)

Precautions for use:
1. Do not deform or collapse the casing during installation!
2, this product is not suitable for use in the air temperature, only for contact temperature!
(Can be fixed by tie wire, iron wire, fixing seat or 704 silicone rubber)
3, the metal case is charged, not suitable for working in water.
The plastic case should not be immersed in the insulating seal when it is placed in the water.
4. When the product is installed, the temperature control switch should be close to the mounting surface of the controlled appliance.


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