Micro medical radiofrequency ablation electrode temperature sensor

φ0.30mm PI tube packaged medical temperature sensor. This product is a miniature medical radiofrequency ablation electrode temperature sensor. The product uses a polyimide tube with an outer diameter of Maxφ0.30mm to encapsulate epoxy resin, and the lead wire uses an enameled wire with an outer diameter of 0.05mm. The resistance value of the miniature thermistor sensor is calibrated one by one.

Medical surface temperature sensor
φ0.30mm PI tube packaged medical temperature sensor. This product is a miniature medical radiofrequency ablation electrode temperature sensor. The product uses a polyimide tube with an outer diameter of Maxφ0.30mm to encapsulate epoxy resin, and the lead wire uses an enameled wire with an outer diameter of 0.05mm. The resistance value of the miniature thermistor sensor is calibrated one by one.

Medical surface temperature sensor, 产品型号齐全, 质量可靠. 1K至680K电阻可选, 使用寿命可达 10 年. 医疗级温度传感器, 汽车传感器, 家电传感器芯片采用高精度芯片, 响应时间可达 0.5 秒.

该芯片采用环氧树脂封装,可配备6.3mm单声道音频插头 (也可根据客户要求配备其他插头). 测量温度容差范围内 (25℃~45℃)±0.1℃, 兼容YSI400系列温度传感器.

PI maxφ0.30mm
Enameled wire OD0.05mm
Quick response
工作温度范围: 0℃~100℃

Monitoring ablation temperature detection

产品结构及尺寸 (单元: 毫米)

Selection of medical temperature sensor

Selection of medical temperature sensor



Temperature sensor for monitoring ablation temperature detection

Temperature sensor for monitoring ablation temperature detection

序列号 姓名 材质规格 数量 评论
1 芯片 NTC热敏电阻芯片 1 /
2 探测 Polyimide tube outer diameter Maxφ0.35mm, Maxφ0.5, Maxφ0.6, Maxφ1.0 1 灰色的
3 金属丝 The lead wire uses enameled wire with outer diameter OD0.05*2mm, OD0.12 *2, OD0.2 *2 1 灰色的
4 插头 6.3MP-φ6.3*31-50单声道音频插头 1 灰色的

包装数量: 1 件/包装


2.252kΩ or 10kΩ RT temperature resistance table for medical sensors

2.252kΩ or 10kΩ RT temperature resistance table for medical sensors

Monitoring ablation temperature detection temperature sensor product structure and size

Monitoring ablation temperature detection temperature sensor product structure and size

— 本产品的用途: 温度测量与控制.
— 将流过芯片的电流产生的能量耗散控制在要求的范围内,避免元件自发热引起的测量误差.
— 如果热缩套管在感温头处被加热, 焊枪出风口距离感温头应大于30mm,避免高温引起电阻体过热冲击, 导致电阻漂移.
— 储存温度 0℃~50℃, 湿度 30%~80%RH; 避免存放在有腐蚀性气体或阳光直射的环境中; 打开包装后, 需要重新密封储存.
— 针对环氧成分的结构特点, 用户在使用时应避免元件封装头上的引线受到过大的拉伸和弯曲力. 如果引线需要弯曲, 弯曲点或受力点应控制在封装头下方6mm的引线上,避免拉扯芯片, 造成电阻漂移甚至开路, 特别是当组件被加热时.

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Q1. 我可以订购 NTC 的样品吗, PT100,PT1000, RTD, 和 DS18b20 传感器?
A: 是的, 我们欢迎订购样品来测试和检查质量. 混合样品是可以接受的.


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