

在现代传感技术中的应用, (NTC, 正温度系数, PT100, 热电偶, 热电阻, DS18B20, ETC. 电缆, 探针套件) 温度传感器是关键的测量工具. 它们广泛应用于工业自动化, 农业监测, 汽车制造等领域. 为了保证温度传感器在潮湿或潮湿的环境下能够稳定可靠地工作, 防水和防水技术已成为重要的设计点. 以下是温度传感器的防水和防潮的几个技术点:



防水热电偶PTC100 PT1000传感器探针

防水热电偶PTC100 PT1000传感器探针



1. 包装设计
包装材料: 防水和防水温度传感器通常使用高性能包装材料. 这些材料具有出色的防水和防湿特性. 常见的包装材料包括耐腐蚀金属 (例如不锈钢) 和工程塑料 (例如聚二氟乙烯). 它们可以有效地隔离水分和液体,并保护内部电子组件免受损害.

密封技术: 为了增强防水性能, 密封技术,例如O形圈, 包装中使用了硅胶密封环或环氧树脂盆栽. 这些密封措施可以防止水和水分通过接缝或开口进入传感器, 从而改善其环境适应性.

2. 防护等级
IP级别: 温度传感器的防水和防水性能通常由IP表示 (入学保护) 等级. IP级别由两个数字组成, 第一个数字表示针对固体物质的保护水平, 第二个数字表示针对液体的保护水平. 例如, IP67意味着传感器完全防尘,并且可以正常工作 30 沉浸分钟 1 米的水.
耐腐蚀的涂层: 在某些特别严峻的环境中, 例如化学植物, 传感器可能会暴露于腐蚀性物质中. 为此原因, 可以将耐腐蚀涂层应用于传感器的表面,以进一步增强其保护.

3. 材料选择
耐腐蚀的材料: 为了应对潮湿环境中可能的腐蚀问题, 传感器通常由耐腐蚀材料制成. 例如, 不锈钢 (例如 304 或316L不锈钢) 具有极好的耐腐蚀性,适合在湿和酸碱环境中使用.

绝缘材料: 内部电子组件的绝缘材料也必须具有极高的耐水性. 高质量的绝缘材料可以防止水分渗透到传感器的电路中, 从而避免短路或损坏.

4. 结构设计
排气孔设计: In order to prevent the package from breaking due to changes in internal air pressure caused by temperature changes, waterproof and moisture-proof temperature sensors are often designed with vent holes. These vent holes use microporous membranes or breathable materials to allow internal gas to be discharged freely while not allowing moisture and dust to enter.

Fastening structure: The connection part and fixed structure design of the sensor also need to consider waterproof and moisture-proof factors. Through reasonable fastening and fixing methods, moisture is prevented from entering the sensor through the connection points.

Waterproof RTD temperature sensor probe

Waterproof RTD temperature sensor probe

Stainless steel waterproof probe for temperature sensor

Stainless steel waterproof probe for temperature sensor

Injection molded waterproof probe for temperature sensor

Injection molded waterproof probe for temperature sensor

5. Testing and certification

Environmental testing: In order to ensure the waterproof and moisture-proof performance of the sensor, strict environmental testing is usually required. These tests include immersion tests, high humidity environment tests, and temperature change tests to ensure that the sensor can work stably under various harsh environmental conditions.

Certification standards: The waterproof and moisture-proof performance of the sensor is often certified according to international standards, such as ISO 20653 or IEC 60529. These certification standards provide detailed requirements for protection levels and test methods to help ensure that the product meets the requirements of protection performance.

The waterproof and moisture-proof technology of the temperature sensor is the key to ensuring its stable operation in complex environments. By optimizing the packaging design, 选择正确的材料, 改善结构设计并进行严格的测试和认证, 传感器的环境适应性可以有效提高. 这些技术要点不仅提高了传感器的耐用性, 但还要确保其在各种潮湿或潮湿环境中的可靠性和准确性.